Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
9 years ago

To Collide or not to Collide, that is the question...

wadebear wrote:
So I started building the Googleplex and was going to charge up the XP Collider today, but then last night I started thinking...

The reason for doing that in the past was to quickly boost up XP and get bonus donuts when the XP bar filled. But in this case as soon as the XP bar fills I'll be going to the next "level" and getting 1 donut (if I've read all these posts right). And then the XP requirement drops to almost nothing (40,000? I can do that in a day or less with my house farm and multiplier.)

There won't really be any "Bonus" donuts until I've reached level 939. Wouldn't it be smarter to wait until I hit 938 to charge up the Collider? It's not like I'm in a huge hurry. And I actually LIKE reading the funny stuff.

Then there's the issue of my third game. No house farm. Piddling multiplier of 17.5%. No cash reserve to buy Rat Trap Trucks or Bloodmobiles...

By the way: which IS the best bang for the buck? Rat Traps or Bloodmobiles?

Opinions? Flames? Declarations that the game is over anyway so who cares?

The stone walls are the best but that is a whole lot of tapping. I think the rat traps and blood mobiles are about the same but I've only verified stone walls to blood mobiles.

The advantage I see of using the collider now is that you can net a lot of donuts now as opposed to gradually earning them durning normal gameplay.
  • BlackFloppyDisk wrote:
    wadebear wrote:
    ForumNerds wrote:
    Wadebear, you are aware that the XP requirement of 40,000 XP is only for levels 61-100 ... Right? Because after that, it is 500,000 for levels 100-939.

    All of those are one-donut level ups. After you clear level 939, the "bonus" levels (aka "3 donuts" ) begin ... At 1 million XP per level.

    No, I missed that. Too many posts with people saying different things to keep track of all the numbers.

    By the time I'd learned what I could about level 60 and posted in my Google Group for new events the bug reports had started rolling in - particularly LPN's. I wasn't about to start anything with the risk of losing my town.

    The thing is, my B Game still hasn't recovered from the last time I used the Collider so I could afford the Yellow Submersible. And then I bought both the Fortress of Choclitude and Krustyburger Oil Rig thinking nothing new would be coming up until at least after the Wild West ended.

    It still makes more sense to me to wait until I hit 939 before I charge up the Collider. I'll get the same number of donuts from the intermediate levels whether I smash through them at high speed or not, but I'd be using up my cash reserves to get to the point where I'd actually get the bonus donuts. I'm already over halfway to level 61 and I haven't even collected the XP from finalizing the build on the Googleplex.

    The reason you want to get to level 939 ASAP is because EA could always change the XP requirement to level up. It was at 40000 all the way to level 939, then it was changed to 500,000 form level 100 to 939. At level 939, the XP bar is 1 million. If EA sees too many people farming too many donuts, they could change the XP level ups, and bonuts rounds. Remember how EA raised the prices of houses without any warning to discourage house farming?

    My thoughts exactly!
  • Newcastlenia wrote:

    No problems about dropping me from your other account-do you get the lag when you visit me on your primary town too?

    Nope. But my other game is on an iPad Mini 2 64 GB. By getting the previous year's model I paid less for the 64 GB version than the Mini 3 with only 16 GB cost - and they have the same specs!
  • wadebear wrote:
    But my other game is on an iPad Mini 2 64 GB. By getting the previous year's model I paid less for the 64 GB version than the Mini 3 with only 16 GB cost - and they have the same specs!

    Except that the Mini 2 doesn't have Touch ID.
  • stinkbugger wrote:
    jamesj9371 wrote:
    Aren't you just earning them faster? You're not magically earning 5x as many donuts simply by using the Collider.

    There are only two costs to using the xp collider
    1. The donuts to turn it on.
    2. The increase in xp/level as you level up.

    Cost 2 goes away after level 939. Then you are magically earning 5x as many donuts (minus cost 1).

    Sorry, I'm dense and still not getting it. It seems like you are just approaching infinity at a faster rate with the Collider. What mechanism, apart from the element of time, is giving you 5x as many donuts?
    The concept is harder than it should be, I guess.

    Let's say you need 100k xp for each level, and you get rewarded 1 donut each level. That would cost you 1 million Money each level (not counting conform-o-meter bonus to simplify example), because you get approximately 10% of the cost of an item back in xp. Let's say you have 100 million Money available to spend and spend it all. That's 100 levels and 100 donuts.

    Now, instead, turn on the XP Collider, which will multiply each xp reward by 5. (Also ignore the cost of 5 donuts.) That 100 million Money will get you 500 levels and 500 donuts. At this point you're out of Money.

    Now, go raise another 100 million Money. When you earn that, turn on the Collider again and earn another 500 donuts, or don't turn it on and only earn 100 donuts. Continue this cycle: raise, donut farm, repeat.

    I hope you're getting it now. You'll always be 5 times ahead of where you'd be otherwise. Do this just five times and you'll have 2500 donuts versus 500 donuts. Getting there faster doesn't really matter here...because you don't care about levels, you care about donuts. Theoretically, according to my example, you'll be on level 2560 versus level 560. You'll eventually get to the actual final level of 939 some day, or you'll be way past it if you use the collider, but the only important thing is that you'll have 5 times as many donuts. Levels only really matter when it comes to calculating how much xp each one requires, but that's pretty stable now.

    tapperino_forums wrote:
    I enjoy the gameplay too, people who are rushing to grab the donuts as quick as possible are missing out on all that in the panic that EA might change it all again.
    We miss out when EA requires a certain character for an event, for example. I've been rushing since I started playing and that has nothing to do with glitches.
  • The Collider doesn't just speed up the accumulation of xp. It gives you 5x as much xp, which means it costs 5x less to level up. If you have a 500% multiplier, then you are earning 25x more xp, which means it cost 25x less cash to level up.

    If I use Lady Justice Statues to level up, it costs me $234,000 to buy 52 of them and level up. Without the Collider (but with my multiplier), it would cost me $1,170,000 per level. Now if I sell back the 52 statues it costs me only $175,500 per level with the Collider activated. A donut would therefore cost me between $58,500 to $91,833 each.
  • petehd14 wrote:
    The Collider doesn't just speed up the accumulation of xp. It gives you 5x as much xp, which means it costs 5x less to level up. If you have a 500% multiplier, then you are earning 25x more xp, which means it cost 25x less cash to level up.

    If I use Lady Justice Statues to level up, it costs me $234,000 to buy 52 of them and level up. Without the Collider (but with my multiplier), it would cost me $1,170,000 per level. Now if I sell back the 52 statues it costs me only $175,500 per level with the Collider activated. A donut would therefore cost me between $58,500 to $91,833 each.

    But it's costing you your cash reserves.

    It seems I underestimated my multiplier. Just by collecting rents on buildings and sending my characters on 4 hour tasks with the Job Manager I've gone up 19 Levels so far today. I haven't used a single donut or spent a penny to do it either.
  • stinkbugger wrote:
    wadebear wrote:
    But my other game is on an iPad Mini 2 64 GB. By getting the previous year's model I paid less for the 64 GB version than the Mini 3 with only 16 GB cost - and they have the same specs!

    Except that the Mini 2 doesn't have Touch ID.

    Which is something I'd never use. About the only time I ever take my iPad out of the house is to take it to our Monthly Linux meeting. Not only do I know everybody - I know where they live...
  • petehd14 wrote:
    The Collider doesn't just speed up the accumulation of xp. It gives you 5x as much xp, which means it costs 5x less to level up. If you have a 500% multiplier, then you are earning 25x more xp, which means it cost 25x less cash to level up.

    While the Collider in effect reduces the cost of level donuts and lets you get more of them faster, it doesn't give access to donuts available only via the Collider. Maybe this is some semantical thing. But if, say, someone uses to Collider until they get to level 939 and someone else doesn't use the Collider at all and (after a very long time) they also reach level 939, then they will have both received the same amount of level donuts, no?
  • ForumNerds wrote:
    (How long does it take you folks to save up $100 million? Just curious. )

    I had almost exactly $100 mil right before the update, and I last bottomed out from money during Tap Ball (bonus boxes really added up, there), so about 11 months. This was before getting Tennis Courts & Spooky/Wailing Walls, so I assume it would be faster now.
  • ForumNerds wrote:
    stinkbugger wrote:
    petehd14 wrote:
    The Collider doesn't just speed up the accumulation of xp. It gives you 5x as much xp, which means it costs 5x less to level up. If you have a 500% multiplier, then you are earning 25x more xp, which means it cost 25x less cash to level up.

    While the Collider in effect reduces the cost of level donuts and lets you get more of them faster, it doesn't give access to donuts available only via the Collider. Maybe this is some semantical thing. But if, say, someone uses to Collider until they get to level 939 and someone else doesn't use the Collider at all and (after a very long time) they also reach level 939, then they will have both received the same amount of level donuts, no?

    But after reaching level 939, then for every level-up, you get the bonus box (aka "3 donuts")

    At Level 940(?), the XP meter rises from 500,000XP to 1 million XP ... but for every 1 million XP, you get 3 donuts.

    (How long does it take you folks to save up $100 million? Just curious. )

    That depends on the size of your house farm and your multiplier.