Forum Discussion

ZennGlenn's avatar
Rising Newcomer
10 years ago

Topping Off The Glow Tribute

Nice tribute! He was a great actor. Sad that he died.
  • As someone born in the sixties, half Japanese half white, Spock's struggle with his Vulcan/Human nature really resonated with me. Tears keep welling in my eyes as I think about him. I miss him terribly.

    ETA: thanks Zenn for posting this.
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Most certainly glad to see a couple of my favorite neighboreenos replies...
    The 'Glow' title was a hint to follow my suit
    running funky Glowing Burns thru the wknd 8)
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    LPNintendoITA wrote:
    please delete the vulture link. external links are not allowed :(

    ...respectfully edited:roll:
  • Last summer I was happy to see a documentary his son made about his early life. It was interesting to hear that he grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Boston and got a huge break from a local priest who believed in him as an actor by making it so he could get a college scholarship which allowed him to hone his skills.

    The man is a legend in the industry and has done a lot for the business and for his fellow actors and actresses. Things will never the be same without him.
  • Probably my first TV idol. I remember as a little kid always taking Spock's side vs. Kirk. Everything has a logical reason, vs just acting on your emotions.

    Like this should be in OT. It's only logical.
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Nicely said neiboreeno 4junk...
    Yeah, probably should be OT, but such an enormous loss can deserve overlap leeway.
    Death is indeed not logical :|