Forum Discussion

baddazoner's avatar
11 years ago

Town Census should be more organised

The list is in alphabetical order, so it's got that going for it. :)
  • annettemarc wrote:
    efin98 wrote:
    For the "more organization" crowd: would submenus which are alphabetized work? One for characters awaiting tasks and one for characters completing tasks?

    Or a "Sort By" button, and choose "by name" or "by task status" and in the task status option, the alphabetically arranged sub menus you describe. ...

    That's pretty good idea especially if sort by includes an option to sort by soonest completed.

    (That screaming sound we hear is the entire programming team just imagining how glitchy this could get, and what we would do.)

    Excellent :twisted: :lol:
  • Kozzi59 wrote:
    mwdalton wrote:
    baddazoner wrote:
    simpsons7795 wrote:
    The list is in alphabetical order, so it's got that going for it. :)

    i just wish they finally start grouping common things together to make it easier to find stuff

    Alphabetical makes it pretty easy to find stuff. I want Krusty, I look at K. I want Skinner, I look at S. Etcetera.

    You can jump to the letter? Woah, I'm impressed :shock:

    Damned if I can find Etcetera tho :?

    Etcetera was limited time from the I Love Lucy episode tie in on February 23 2012.
  • utfan2000200 wrote:
    Kozzi59 wrote:
    mwdalton wrote:
    baddazoner wrote:
    simpsons7795 wrote:
    The list is in alphabetical order, so it's got that going for it. :)

    i just wish they finally start grouping common things together to make it easier to find stuff

    Alphabetical makes it pretty easy to find stuff. I want Krusty, I look at K. I want Skinner, I look at S. Etcetera.

    You can jump to the letter? Woah, I'm impressed :shock:

    Damned if I can find Etcetera tho :?

    Etcetera was limited time from the I Love Lucy episode tie in on February 23 2012.

    LOL! Was that the episode titled "Morning Becomes Etcetera"?

    (Apologies to Eugene O'Neill.)
  • baddazoner wrote:
    johnny50373 wrote:
    The characters are in alphabetical order(it scrolls fast) and the decorations are in order of level requirement(makes sense).

    decorations are not organised well at all it's stupid having to scroll thru a whole page to find a tree then scroll back to find something else.

    Sooo... You want them all on the same page?
    Having them sorted by level makes the most sense. As you progress decos unlock. If they were in alphabetical order, new players would have to scroll through tons of locked items, then back. It's a new player/veteran plus/minus thing. Veterans have the experience. Veterans should remember where the trees are.
  • DAC-UK5 wrote:
    Isn't alphabetical order far better than having to remember or work out which category someone would be in?

    It's in alphabetical order and it scrolls quickly and smoothly - how would any other system be an improvement?

    Agreed. Next thing you know people wil be expecting EA to devise a method to read our minds because scrolling and tapping is too much work and takes too long. Yeesh! I'm sure the programmers are banging their heads on their desks reading this.
  • Alpha with color coding sounds terrific! This way you could easily find any particular character (via alphabet) and also zoom (loving the fast scroll) through the list to see who's on, not on, or has completed a task. Since the two typical types of play style seem to be either all characters free or all characters on the same schedule, your list would most likely be all the same color, so any character needing attention would jump out (being a different color from th rest) as you whiz through your list. Voil?. Sounds ideal.

    I use a combo of the original character selector and just moving through town to assign tasks. And now with the City Hall locator the only problem I have left are those fast-moving characters whose yellow thumbs-up I miss, sometimes even on repeated visits.
  • annettemarc wrote:
    I like the alphabetical listing. It would be nice if they could somehow color code by status (idle, on task, finished task) ... They apparently can do the color coding already, because when I look at the census and someone is in Krustyland, the font/button is yellow. (Which is awesome!) From that, I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that it would be possible to employ other colors.

    I love this idea and would like to see it implemented someday. I'm sure people would just gripe about which color meant what, though, and there'd be threads like: "too many colors is too complicated, why can't things be simple again???"


    johnny50373 wrote:
    baddazoner wrote:
    johnny50373 wrote:
    The characters are in alphabetical order(it scrolls fast) and the decorations are in order of level requirement(makes sense).

    decorations are not organised well at all it's stupid having to scroll thru a whole page to find a tree then scroll back to find something else.

    Sooo... You want them all on the same page?
    Having them sorted by level makes the most sense. As you progress decos unlock. If they were in alphabetical order, new players would have to scroll through tons of locked items, then back. It's a new player/veteran plus/minus thing. Veterans have the experience. Veterans should remember where the trees are.


    I'm almost as sick of this complaint as anything on this forum.