Forum Discussion

moppy14w's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
10 months ago

Organising and Using Screenshots?!

Need some hints and tips for organising and using the many, many screenshots one takes in the game.
  • I usually take my screenshots out of my screenshots folder in my Sims 4 folder. I don't use the in-game memory system, so there's no need for me to keep them there. I place them in a folder on my external harddrive named whatever the family name is or what the save file name is.

    For example, my alien legacy are the Xalvador family. So I have a folder named Xalvador family. Inside that folder is labeled Gen. 1-Orion Xalvador, which contains all of the pictures of my founder Orion. For generations with many offsprings, I make a gen (whatever number) and then inside that folder are labeled the names of sims in that generation. I also have a folder for Family Pictures, which contains group photos such as family reunions, parties, etc.

    As for naming the screenshots, I number them in chronological order (1, 2, 3, etc.).

    I'm sure others have much better organizational skills but I find this is the easiest way for me. I'm interested in picking up other ideas so thanks for making this thread.
  • Honestly I need tips too ? I end up searching the forum or Imgur when I want old pictures and sometimes it takes forever. I need to first decide how I’d organize though - by family, save, world, etc…
  • Ruthless use of the delete key, to be honest. Most things I think will be fun or important to save in the moment, are not that important or interesting later to look at. If it's a screenshot to post a funny picture or illustrate a bug or question, I'll upload it for that and then delete it from my computer.
    I only keep the shots that will be for stories, I delete most of what I'm looking at when writing a story update, I size those down to 1600 pixels wide so they take up much less space and put them in a folder outside my The Sims 4 folder so they don't create lag, and then I don't always keep even those longterm after posting an update. If I want to go back and read the story/look at the shots later, the story's thread is the best place to do that.
  • When I am ready to write up what happened in my game, I open the Screenshots folder from my game. I like to use Paint (a Windows program) to edit and resize and make the pictures I use jpegs. Then I place them into a designated folder under Pictures on my computer. From there I transfer them to imjur, ready to use. I carefully label these folders, so I know which one to select. I also number the Screenshots folder, when I deem it full and place those on my desktop into a single folder that I will remove to my external hard drive at some point. Hope this helps.
  • atreya33's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    I keep them in a separate folder on my PC. I create folders as needed, for example I have one folder for my supersim, one for a scenario I am playing, one for my builds,...
    I have lately begun to rename them as well, I change the first numbers to year-month-day so windows sorts them properly.

    I regularly save a copy of my screenshots to an external storage device and several have duplicates on imgur so I can post them here.

    @Lenny_Ogg being able to tag pictures sounds useful. I will take another look at tumblr.
  • "mightysprite;c-18337911" wrote:
    Ruthless use of the delete key, to be honest.

    This is me nowadays too :)
    I have pics I need to be saved, saved in organised and named folders in imgur or same in (I do not just pop those in root, if not only a random pic).
    no need for me to keep those in computer too.
  • I make a separate screenshot folder outside of the Sims 4 folder and then create separate folders for each of my gameplay saves. Then I will create new folders inside of those folders which I will name them as 'Day 1, Day 2, etc, etc' for each sim day played as it's easier for me to be able to tell when one day starts and ends as I don't always take pictures of my Sims going to be for the night.

    I then also change the name of each screenshot to renumber them to 1, 2, 3, etc as I don't like the way the game names them. I do it like that because if I last played my game in a double digit month and then came back to play in a single digit month, then those pictures will show up at the top of the folder instead at the end of the last photos taken. Now sometimes I will leave them as is if I'm putting each day in separate folders.

    I don't delete my pictures from my PC once I upload them to a photo sharing site just in case something happens to that site the could cause the photos to be lost forever.