Forum Discussion

PantherusNZ's avatar
10 years ago

Town Revamp

I'm at levels 49 and 47, and I've been playing for about 4 months.

I'm trying to arrange my towns for efficiency. I've managed to group all the buildings that characters have 4 hour tasks in on the left side of town, but I also want to group by building payout time with all the 1 hour payouts near the top of town, then 2 hour payouts, 3 hour payouts...

I've realized I won't be able to do this until such time that I can purchase enough land to spread things around, and every time I get a little cash saved up I get hit with buying a new (expensive) building.
  • I've had 2 goes at rebuilding my town in the time I have played, the first attempt wasn't too good as I quickly ran out of money and space, the second attempt was much better as I had bought all the land available at the time and had saved about 10 million for decorating, so before you nuke make sure you have the space for your design and the cash to fulfil it.
  • devilhunt1449 wrote:
    I've had 2 goes at rebuilding my town in the time I have played, the first attempt wasn't too good as I quickly ran out of money and space, the second attempt was much better as I had bought all the land available at the time and had saved about 10 million for decorating, so before you nuke make sure you have the space for your design and the cash to fulfil it.

    Why do you need more cash? In order to buy MORE decorations you mean?
  • I have never 'nuked' my SF.... I just move stuff as I go. It would take me too long to rebuild my town post nuke, even though I do enjoy making my SF look nice 8)
  • I've nuked my town twice because it was cluttered with new content. I need to rearrange and refit things into my town.

    It took a long time to get my town looking right after you nuke, plus there is the difficulty in finding specific items in your inventory. I've lost my two-nicorn each time I nuked my town and I needed EA to help with getting it back into my game.

  • My town grew like most do, until I finally made a commitment to stop designing and acquire all the land. That's when I did my huge rebuild. This was before the nuke feature existed.

    When I did the rebuild I left empty lots expecting future buildings to come. I did not want to shuffle existing features to wedge in new stuff.

    But now they have released new land and I want to shift half of my town to maintain my town square as the center of the grid. But I can't just nuke it. That would be far too disruptive and take much too long to restore.

    I definitely recommend clearing a patch of land, and building new stuff in sections. Its easier to remember the original design if you want to preserve it.

    But if you prefer starting from a clean slate, push the button! Boom!

    Either way, have fun and be patient with the process. The town is always a work in progress.
  • Why do you need more cash? In order to buy MORE decorations you mean?

    yes your correct, it's for decorating your new layout of town, sorry I wasn't clear with what I meant.