Forum Discussion

glitzyoccasions's avatar
11 years ago

Twelve days of Christmas

Haha. That's pretty good.
  • little_lou93 wrote:
    That isn't an original appears in one of the christmas episodes..

    Well spotted , that's why I asked if anyone has a better one .
  • glitzyoccasions wrote:
    little_lou93 wrote:
    That isn't an original appears in one of the christmas episodes..

    Well spotted , that's why I asked if anyone has a better one .

    Original or re-post, it was still a nice read :D Thanks for posting it.
  • Even better was the "39 Days of Christmas" bit.

    39 Fops a-fopping
    38 Fishwives hawking
    37 Coopers cooping
    36 Bootblacks buffing
    35 Buskers busking
    34 Something something
    33 Alchemists transmuting
    32 Dutchmen plotting
    31 Doctors leeching
    30 Year average life span
    29 Smiths a-forging
    28 Coopers cooping
    27 Eelers eeling
    26 Anarchists bombing
    25 Swamis foreseeing
    24 Sideburns curling
    23 Monks a-changing
    22 Rats a-plaguing
    21 Coxswains calling
    20 Flautists fluting
    19 Footmen bowing
    18 Gungas dinning
    17 Seventy six
    16 Midwives birthing
    15 Aliens alienating
    14 Jacks a-ripping
    13 Scriveners scrivening...
  • On the first day of Christmas my true love said to me, someone's nicked my beloved Lemon Tree.
    On the second day of Christmas there were quests galore, Grandpa is repeatedly going on about the war.
    On the third day of Christmas forum members has said again, the Christmas update, OK when?
    On the fourth day of Christmas forum members said to me, there is going to be more add me threads, you will see.
    On the fifth day of Christmas forum members said to me once more, how many levels will the update bring, Four?
    On the sixth day of Christmas EA said, oh not another one, another Springfield has gone!
    On the seventh day of Christmas EA said to I, stop these rumours about what's coming in the next update for its a lie.
    On the Eighth day of Christmas EA sent to me, a man dressed as a bumblebee.
    On the ninth day of Christmas EA sent to me, the Reverends dog who again is having a wee.
    On the 10th day of Christmas EA sent to me, lots of snow, and my goodness your iPad is ever so slow.
    On the 11th day of Christmas EA sent Barney and kingplow to my town, and what a delight to see Homer in his new gown.
    On the 12 day of Christmas EA sent to me, a fantastic update for all to see.