Forum Discussion

NOVA_POLARI's avatar
10 years ago

Ugh huge headache


Headache. Is right...... If you choose to I hope you perservere! :mrgreen:
  • Update I got my email back but I didn't get any email from EA so I tried to contact support again but of course its offline and wont be online until its to late for me to contact them... EA really screwed me over on this one. I can't help but feel that EA did this to me on purpose to get revenge for that Easter joke I made on the finger thread. Since I made that joke I know the real wrath of EA giving me the finger lol.
  • NOVA_POLARI wrote:
    Update I got my email back but I didn't get any email from EA so I tried to contact support again but of course its offline and wont be online until its to late for me to contact them... EA really screwed me over on this one. I can't help but feel that EA did this to me on purpose to get revenge for that Easter joke I made on the finger thread. Since I made that joke I know the real wrath of EA giving me the finger lol.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    To be fair, that was an excellent joke, EA!

    Hope you get your handcuffs, Nova (never thought I'd say that to someone... That happens a lot on here...)
  • suetopia wrote:
    NOVA_POLARI wrote:
    Update I got my email back but I didn't get any email from EA so I tried to contact support again but of course its offline and wont be online until its to late for me to contact them... EA really screwed me over on this one. I can't help but feel that EA did this to me on purpose to get revenge for that Easter joke I made on the finger thread. Since I made that joke I know the real wrath of EA giving me the finger lol.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    To be fair, that was an excellent joke, EA!

    Hope you get your handcuffs, Nova (never thought I'd say that to someone... That happens a lot on here...)

    Lol well unless they extend crafting or I randomly wake up in the middle of the night there is a zero percent chance of that happening. But I am keeping my phone by my bed in case I get up. I'm not going to make up just for a game but if I just so happen to wake up I dont see anything wrong with checking in real quick...
  • NOVA_POLARI wrote:
    Lol well unless they extend crafting or I randomly wake up in the middle of the night there is a zero percent chance of that happening. But I am keeping my phone by my bed in case I get up. I'm not going to make up just for a game but if I just so happen to wake up I dont see anything wrong with checking in real quick...

    You're not going to set your alarm clock to wake up in the middle of the night to check your game? Boy! Just... Boy! I gotta say, I'm really disappointed. I really gotta question your dedication to TSTO, your neighboreenos, and all of your fellow tappers Around the world! Come on, Nova! We're counting on you! You can do it!

    Seriously, though. I'm sorry to hear you had so many problems tonight. Good luck! :)
  • Did you say CBG task froze? Did you try storing his store? You could have broke him free and restarted the task.
  • Personally, I would spend the five donuts instead of spending hours of my time trying to sort through customer service with two different companies. Much cheaper in both time and frustration.
  • NOVA_POLARI wrote:
    I am having a huge headache right now. This morning I put Homer and Comic Book Guy on tasks to fight felons but Comic Book Guys task froze. Because of that I couldn't get a handcuff I need for one last building. So I contacted support to ask if I can have one handcuff. Simple right? Well I guess not. After waiting for over an hour I got on support and the guy said he can't help me (even though support people have given me doughnuts in the past) and that a specialty team could but they have to email me. I tried logging into the email on my account and for some reason it was locked... I asked the guy if they can contact me with my other email and they said no for some reason. The reason my account is locked because we recently had to make school emails and I used the same name as my normal email. So without even asking me my school decides to transfer over my personal domain to there's and since its a school email they block any emails not using a school email address. So now I am on the phone with Verizon support trying to get my email back, so that I can contact EA support about getting one handcuff... I am starting to think its not worth it but I have come to far to quit...