12 years ago
Verification window for donut usage NEEDED
robsimoneaux wrote:
I have been playing this game since Sep. 2012 and do not have money to spend on donuts. I am content with earning them thru game play, but I am tired of accidentally using them to speed up events while trying to gather my cash and xp points. I am sure I am not the only one who has been gathering their cash from one building when another building still working on a task pops up and you accidentally spend donuts to speed it up. Yes I know there is a cancel button, but it doesn't always work fast enough. PLEASE ADD A VERIFY SPEND DONUTS WINDOW. I do not begrudge them making money by selling donuts, but when it takes as long as it does to earn donuts it is extremely frustrating to loose them accidentally. :evil:
I know a verification is needed. BUT I have found if you slow down just a little bit, it helps alot.