Forum Discussion

tottishuai's avatar
12 years ago

Vote: What characters do you expect the most in Level 25?

I expect the same as you for this next update, not a big change, probably Ralph (Wiggum House) and Smithers (Burns Manor) which would be great, and also the town will turn back to the "spring/summer" look it has, Santa's Village and Christmas Tree will generate cash rather than Santa Coins, and I seriously hope (and have been hoping this more now that I got almost all of the premium content thanks to receiving iTunes Gift Card) that we get a character log book, theres just too many characters to keep up with and people are bound to forget a few characters...
  • Jacqueline Bouvier and Jimbo as premium character.
    Smithers and Ralph Wiggum as characters.

    New building : Hal Ranch Apartment, Wiggums house and Burns manor.
    Probably something that'll match with Krusty Kamp.
  • I'd love to see Gil & Sideshow Bob added as playable characters with their own set of tasks & quests lines.

    They can be premium for all I care, I'd get them both in a heartbeat

    So EA, if you're reading this....make it happen!
  • Maybe an upgrade to King Toots that unlocks Mr Largo, I would like to see the strong army guy who I think is german(sounds) and he comes with Army Camp