12 years ago
zantheman7 wrote: I am 12 years old,5 foot 3 and 49.0 kilos.Is this normal? I used to be 51kg but lost a few kgs. Not sure if troll... But anyway, that's a normal weight for you.
lissarv68 wrote:
I will defend the American School System. I live in a state with a great public education system and an even better private one. We have a private school that is ranked in the top 10 best schools in the country. Our son does attend a private school but not because of the education. We wanted him going to chapel every week and learning the morals and values that have been removed from public school.
That is my one gripe with the school system.
AND....it does depend on what part of the US you live if you are getting a good education or not. I live in Virginia, the state has money and therefore the schools are excellent.