Forum Discussion

stephtog's avatar
9 years ago

Weird Gingerbread House thing.....

Its the animation for when a task is assigned to the gingerbread house. But the original tasks were only temporary so no more tennis. Sounds like you had one of those random animation glitches.
  • That's the animation for that building. Happened during Ned's one-time task there. Probably you just had the glitch where buildings randomly start their animation. Usually happens as an area effect and goes away after a short while. No idea what, if anything, triggers it.

    Edit: Ninja'd :lol:
  • Thanks! Shame it's just a glitch (though glad I wasn't imagining it!!) quite a cool animation!
  • ArmpitAttack wrote:
    um, ned can still go there. pray away the sin of pride

    Really?! :oops:

    Funny thing is, because of the task manager, I hadn't noticed this until now. Guess Ned spends too much time recycling metal now to have time to play tennis. :lol:
  • ArmpitAttack wrote:
    um, ned can still go there. pray away the sin of pride

    I forgot about this. Just sent Ned there to kill some time before he has to get back to making metal.
    Don't forget to crank your house up to the highest if you want to see the animation.