Forum Discussion

teamzap17's avatar
11 years ago

Weird Notification

I got that the other day. No clue what it means. :?:
  • MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:
    I got that the other day. No clue what it means. :?:

    Me too. It may be a hint on to what is coming next
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    Is it just reporting that KL visitors generated tickets?

    I think so. I got the same announcement, went to KL and everyone had tickets to collect.
  • Ah, didn't think about that possibility. Haven't paid attention to KL in a while hahaha
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    Is it just reporting that KL visitors generated tickets?

    I thought the same thing when I got it. I haven't been to KL much since this started and assumed it was just a reminder.