Forum Discussion

jjluv1500's avatar
12 years ago

What is this thing?

jjluv1500 wrote:
What is this thing to the left of here.....just below my name? Anybody

It looks like you tried to add an avatar, this one:

It's like , 500x375pixels, though, you can only have one that is 150x150pixels or less. :wink:
  • It's very refreshing to be in a place where people will helps those less skilled in these things. Kudos!
  • jjluv1500 wrote:
    Yes I did does that mean I did something wrong?

    Yeah, you need a smaller image, which it looks like you've already done...nice! :thumbup:
  • erik319 wrote:
    Lol, bunch of feisty avatars in this topic 8)

    I have to tell you Eric, reading your posts crack me up! :lol: (Felt the need to make a positive comment tonight what with all the negatives going on.)

    (Mine isn't feisty though.) :mrgreen:
  • erik319 wrote:
    Lol, bunch of feisty avatars in this topic 8)

    Lot of shifty eyes...

  • jjluv1500 wrote:
    Ok mr dawalton did put that superman image there?

    With copious amounts of black magic, and the help of a Scottish blacksmith!

    But seriously, you just find the url of an image you like, put img tags around it (like you were posting a picture in the post here) and then put it in your signature in My Profile at the top of the page.

    chrisp530 wrote:
    erik319 wrote:
    Lol, bunch of feisty avatars in this topic 8)

    Lot of shifty eyes...

