Forum Discussion

inusiax's avatar
11 years ago

What's up with the levels?

inusiax wrote:
I was just wondering how many of you are behind wih the level tasks and does it annoy you as much as it annoys me ;)
I'm level 40, but currently on a tasks for levels 33 and 34.

Oh I am VERY behind because I took a major detour with premium purchase quest lines. It doesn't annoy me though :)
  • It was annoying to me that my game had a Hibbert glitch & my hospital was stuck. I attempted all suggested fixes, & when the nuke button appeared I thought that would solve it. In fact there is a post about the nuking unlocking the hospital. I had planted corn, so wasn't going to do till done.

    In the meantime I had read that EA can force it. I contacted them in live chat, had a follow-up online chat that led to asking to speak to a supervisor. He had me log out and the hospital was in my inventory when I logged back into the game.
  • I'm on level 42 but still haven't gotten I&S studios yet. Every time I get close to the amount I need I blow it on something else.
  • ladycatlow wrote:
    It just gives me something to do for longer in these quiet moments as well as fine tuning my town.

    I've more or less abandoned my town because every time I try to move or place something, the game freezes. So I'm concentrating on Krustyland now, where I'm waaaay behind :roll:
  • You'll miss it when you reach the maximum level and you have no tasks.
  • Thanks you all for your comments x
    Th most annoying thing is that I eg right now I have a few level quest at the same time that require buying buildings :/ i finally decided to start a big housefarm (well, not that big comparing to some of my neighboors...) as it was annoying me that I have few building quest at the same time and have to wait days and days until I get enough $$, because I just spent all my money on another quest building :/