Forum Discussion

NeoSEC28's avatar
12 years ago

Whats your Worst movie you've seen?

I'm just going to copy-and-paste what I added to the other thread moments ago:

Worst movie ever seen in a theater: Battlefield Earth. Can you even imagine watching that in a theater? Worse, I went with family and didn't take my own car, so I couldn't leave. My brother had read the book and insisted on watching it all the way through. I think I actually cried at one point (I was about 22); it was that bad. By the time it was over, most people had already left, and we exited in silence. Outside, we all turned to my brother, and at last, words were spoken: "I'm sorry," he said, head lowered. It's been about a decade, and I still don't forgive him.

I've seen a lot of bad movies, so it's hard to pick the worst for t.v./internet, but I'm going to throw Far Cry out there. If you can find it streaming, the first third is actually good for some laughs, but I wouldn't venture further than that.