Forum Discussion

senileoldman's avatar
2 years ago

Where do I go from here?!?

I’ve used up all my land, I’ve earned all the gifts from having friends, is there a purpose to keep on living or should I simply end it all? I do get a free land token every 4-6 months which is just enough to give me hope. I see some players at level 920 and I wonder what made them carry on and fight the good fight. I had 90 friends at one point but I’ve been deleting them if they haven’t played in 3weeks, it seems I don’t need friends anymore. I don’t remember my exact level but it’s somewhere around 350……there must be more to life, please tell me there is, please tell me great things are coming my way! 🤣
  • Level 350? Keep going to level 939 and join us at the top! The fun challenge for me is fitting in everything new. It’s a tricky balancing act because i want to use every new item, but i am always within 100 of the 16k item max limit
  • Personal challenges!

    I'm level 939 and have everything in the game too. I previously maxed out my cash and I have 37,852 donuts earned legitimately - once you hit 939 you get plenty of bonus donuts when you hit 1mil XP.

    I'm buying gold tiles and they cost £750mil per tile now, so I'm now building cash as fast as I can to pay for the tiles.

    Get your bonus up to a good % - mine is 2657.41% which is plenty.

    I play every four hours when there's an event going on but I only play once a day in between events and send everyone on 24 hour tasks.

    There's enough in the game to keep it entertaining between events.
  • Get some of the better designers (like 4Junk) on your friends list so you can visit their games and see what is really possible with TSTO. I'm guessing you have a lot of space in between buildings (like most players do) and those spaces could more effectively be used by consolidating properties which eventually frees up big plots of land for all the new stuff. This game is likely to keep providing new things well into the 2030's, so don't give up. Like the old Indian said, "I shall endeavor to persevere." Oh, and your game name....I'm 77 and have been on TSTO daily for about 10 years. It still keeps my interest.................... :)