Forum Discussion

charlieos's avatar
10 years ago

Where's my electronic car?
doesn't say storage to me
  • I am pretty sure the original message said 'storage'. They fixed this later to 'the store'.
  • pvrooden1024 wrote:
    I am pretty sure the original message said 'storage'. They fixed this later to 'the store'.
    nope, there was no update after the release of the tie-in
  • pvrooden1024 wrote:
    I am pretty sure the original message said 'storage'. They fixed this later to 'the store'.

    You are pretty wrong, unfortunately. I wish you weren't though. They could have made one of them for cash but people would have bought them up and ignored the others.

    I'd like to know how many were purchased for donuts. Then compare the actual cash value of the donuts spent, and see if it could buy a REAL Tesla (that some EA exec is driving right now.)