Forum Discussion

JulyAfaf's avatar
3 years ago

which is better : XP COLLIDER or bonus % items

when you buy items using donuts ,which in the description it is written they ll increase bonus money and XP .some 3% others less 0.5% or 0.25% does it work ?and if i have eg 4of of 0.25% items makes the bonus go up to 1% ....because recetly i do not notice significant change.
should I be thinking of spending donuts on the XP COLLIDER instead?
  • @wadebear well first thank you for the fast and elaborate response

    i did built many houses , i regret having so many BROWN though now that i think about it , many kwik-E-marts too , a bit earlier appearently

    In mr Burns box I found lemon tree (200 $ n 20 XP) also 30 donuts once- already spent- , but usally it is not worth it, not at this level at least

    many thanks , i will follow your suggestions , from now not gonna use donuts. ;) til level 60
  • "JulyAfaf;c-2208566" wrote:
    @wadebear well first thank you for the fast and elaborate response
    i did built many houses , i regret having so many BROWN though now that i think about it , many kwik-E-marts too , a bit earlier apparently

    Unfortunately there's a lot of old advice out there. Buying Brown Houses used to be a good strategy for early players - sit and collect the payout every 5 minutes while you watch TV or something. I'd hang onto them until you finish up the Friend Prizes as places for neighbors to tap.
    "JulyAfaf;c-2208566" wrote:
    In mr Burns box I found lemon tree (200 $ n 20 XP) also 30 donuts once- already spent- , but usually it is not worth it, not at this level at least
    many thanks , i will follow your suggestions , from now not gonna use donuts. ;) til level 60

    Burns Boxes are the one thing you should spend Donuts on. The Burns Box pays out in a pattern once you get past the big ticket items like Blue Haired Lawyer, Kearney, Tire Fire, Squeaky Voice Teen, and Lemon Tree. There's a drifting skip on:

    • Khlav Kalash Stand (Gluttony)
    • Minnow Pond (Tree Hugging)
    • Bomb Shelter (Vanity)
    • Chalmers' 1979 _ONDA (Vanity)
    • 10 or 30 donuts (mostly alternates every other round)
    • Itchy & Scratchy Billboard (1% bonus)
    • Channel 6 News Van (2% Bonus)
    • Lard Lad Donuts (Premium 4 hour building)

    There's lots posted about it on the internet. It's the cheapest (and fastest) way to raise your Multiplier AND max out your Conform-o-meter.