Forum Discussion

jemm09285's avatar
11 years ago

Will i ever catch up?

Seems to me like you're already caught up.

Unless this is a joke topic.'ll never catch up my friend. Best to just give up now.
  • Yes, you'll get there.

    Give it some time. When you start collecting on a regular basis, you'll soon be swimming in money. Just remember, the more characters & buildings you have, the more money they will make you. (This includes the premium stuff)

    Also, the more premium multiplier items you have, the more money you'll get from jobs, quests & buildings. As it goes higher, so will your payout
  • You are right about where I am actually. I feel I'm pretty well caught up. Just a tiny bit of stuff left to save up for, but that will come with time. No rush.
  • Know what you mean. Bought all the land and water, only missing the Sit N' Rotate and Zirconium. Had 8m+ in my account and was saving up for 11m to buy the SNR (always want at least 1m free in the account), then 6m to get the Z, when HJC showed up, zap goes 1m+, not to mention the strip of extra land and sea that showed up at 7.5m and the Bloaters coming soon for me at 0.5m... like chasing squirrels in a forest.

    Buying up all the KL property at the moment too, about 120k worth of tickets to go.
  • jemm09285 wrote:
    I am 44 level player, got atm about 2mil cash and i am missing only Sit N Rotate and World Largest Zirconia. And maybe like 10m worth of land.

    Catch up to what?
  • I meant that will i ever be able to have all items before they release more. I want to get to the point when they release new site buildings or any other that i have enough money for it already. Because it feels like when i finally get Sit N Rotate and Zirconia there will be new site for 20m and then i am more behind in total amount of money needed than now.
  • jemm09285 wrote:
    I meant that will i ever be able to have all items before they release more. I want to get to the point when they release new site buildings or any other that i have enough money for it already. Because it feels like when i finally get Sit N Rotate and Zirconia there will be new site for 20m and then i am more behind in total amount of money needed than now.

    There was a long wait between when the sit N rotate was released and when the other aspirationals were so you eventually will
  • jemm09285 wrote:
    I am 44 level player, got atm about 2mil cash and i am missing only Sit N Rotate and World Largest Zirconia. And maybe like 10m worth of land.

    You're already doing better than me. I think you'll be fine :) just remember there's no time limit for acquiring (most) cash items so if it takes us longer to get there who cares? As long as we get there :)
  • jemm09285 wrote:
    I meant that will i ever be able to have all items before they release more. I want to get to the point when they release new site buildings or any other that i have enough money for it already. Because it feels like when i finally get Sit N Rotate and Zirconia there will be new site for 20m and then i am more behind in total amount of money needed than now.

    You should be look at it as a way as something to work towards. One day you will have everything and too much money with nothing to spend it on and you will become bored very easily.