Forum Discussion

momof3kidz's avatar
11 years ago

worst costume you make is the one you make yourself...

CBG cosplay
  • Im actually asking about the hint for today, whi h is , worst costume you wear is the one you make. Or something lime that. I can't figure it out. Does anyone know who it is? Also if yoy need more friends, add me. I have 54 right now.
  • momof3kidz wrote:
    Im actually asking about the hint for today, whi h is , worst costume you wear is the one you make. Or something lime that. I can't figure it out. Does anyone know who it is? Also if yoy need more friends, add me. I have 54 right now.

    Quemical helped you, it's comic book guy doing cosplay. :-)
  • momof3kidz wrote:
    Im actually asking about the hint for today, whi h is , worst costume you wear is the one you make. Or something lime that. I can't figure it out. Does anyone know who it is? Also if yoy need more friends, add me. I have 54 right now.

    is there a reason why the second post of this thread didn't answer your question?
  • momof3kidz wrote:
    Im actually asking about the hint for today, whi h is , worst costume you wear is the one you make. Or something lime that. I can't figure it out. Does anyone know who it is? Also if yoy need more friends, add me. I have 54 right now.

    It was answered in the second post, the 5th post, and here
  • JimJ321 wrote:
    Sorry, I don't have pics to back this up, but I believe it is Agnes sweeping up the town. I suggest blindly sending her on this task and not consulting the forum. After all, you didn't bother to even note the Star Trek ears on the hint.


    I thought the skinner bird watching was chalmers' "live off the land" at first glance. I blame sleep deprivation from Number one's tasks. Oh and the baby.
  • JimJ321 wrote:
    Sorry, I don't have pics to back this up, but I believe it is Agnes sweeping up the town. I suggest blindly sending her on this task and not consulting the forum. After all, you didn't bother to even note the Star Trek ears on the hint.

    Its comic book guy. (For your other post with lol......) I wasnt paying attention be ause of my youngest child who likes to distract me if I'm doing something else.