Forum Discussion

chaiguy1337's avatar
12 years ago

Worst mystery box ever...

That's not the worst!!

Mystery Box > Homer Buddah > Mystery Box > Wooden Fence (x1)
  • Ok so following up on terrible mystery boxes: Yesterday was my Mysterybox day and i got...
    250 cash! :(

    So today of my mere 22 remaining donuts i figured lightening doesnt strike twice so... bit the bullet and spent 6 donuts on one. It HAD to at least be something good I felt confident. The verdict?
    250 cash!!!! Again. :D :(

    Ok tried again: at this point the Parking Lot gods must have heard my previous comment: Parking Lot.
    And again: Parking Lot!!!!
    Again... Just ONE more but, SHOOT! only 4 donuts left. Not enough for even a bench. Already spent obscene amts of (husband's) hard earned cash.

    so... i am out of luck, and outta donuts, and faith in tire fires or Lard Lad ever happening for me. :(
  • arnoutVI wrote:
    Just had a tree in my mystery box :evil:

    Me too :shock: , I just stored 74 trees :evil:
  • ThorButtockth wrote:
    I've yet to get anything remotely good from the Mystery Box. I've gotten benches and fences most often, but also shrubs, newspaper dispensers, and parking lots... and never more than one at a time.

    I did get 33 donuts once but cant recall if Mysterybox or a HomerBuddah. And i got the lemon tree at some point. Not sure what it takes to get Tire Fire or Crap Car, both of which I want, but dont want to waste donuts on things that *could* appear someday. Already wasted donuts on SVT early on, accidentally buying while aiming to click the info icon. Glad I have him though, but had to spring for Aztec too, cuz at the lower level the only job for him was 24hr hamburgers. I hate 24hr jobs, w/ exception of Moleman, which is hilarious, i laugh everytime :D

    Has anyone gotten the characters from a mysterybox? If so, how long had you been playing (if the free ones) or how many did you have to buy first?

    I bought them like crazy early on, because I liked the surprise element, and to get stuff from higher levels i couldnt just buy. But now at lv 25 it's pointless. NOT nearly as exciting (understatement) to get a lv 18 tree (or some other cheap but unattainable item) as it was for me at level 5.
  • My last 2 weekly mystery boxes gave me...$250.00. Now that I am a TSTO millionaire I get $250, it figures. When I first started playing I would have jumped for joy to get that, I was so broke, but back then I swear I only got shrubs and trees. They have not always been bad, I did get a lemon tree and I think 10 donuts, but the rest of the time shrubs, trees, benches, newspaper dispensers, parking lots and $250.
  • Got mine today, 3 hedges. 3! Sweet. Still get excited when I see it is mystery box day, though, even if I've never gotten anything much from it.