Forum Discussion

tpainpalmer's avatar
12 years ago

Can't invite or remove friends

I haven't been able to add or remove friends for a while. I almost deleted the game several times due to my frustration. But, I figured I'd give it one last shot before throwing my phone at the wall. Here's what I found:

-Origin only allows you to have 100 friends. Check to make sure you aren't already there. Here's the tricky part, you may only have 65 friends that play The Simpson's Tapped Out, but you may have 35 other friends who don't. That is still 100 friends. That was my problem. I had 69 friends and 3 more invites but I could not accept them or send new invites. Then I realized I actually had 100 friends, they just didn't all play TSTO.

-To check, tap the Milhouse/Bart button once you've logged into the game.

1-Tap the origin icon in the bottom left of the friends screen.

2-Tap "My Friends" on the next screen. You should see "65 Friends with The Simpsons: Tapped Out" or however many friends you have.

3-Scroll down slowly and there will be gray bar that says, "35 Friends Without The Simpsons: Tapped Out"

4-Tap a friend's name who doesn't play TSTO (The Simpsons: Tapped Out), and go to profile. It should show their gamer icon and a plus sign (+) in the right corner.

Now, here's where things get weird because Origin is so messed up:

5-Click the plus sign and go to "Remove Friend"

For whatever reason, Origin may not let you remove friend. It may only say Report or Block. If it only offers those two options, press the home button on your phone to get out of TSTO, and then double tap your phone's home button to bring up the previously opened apps at the bottom of the screen. Press and hold on TSTO until the icons wiggle and the red circle to close it pops up and close the game.

Re-open it and go back to your friends list. There are 2 options here, both are equally bad but they are all I have found so far that kind of work:

You can wait for the friend icons in your friends list to stop flickering after a few seconds, scroll down to the "Friends Without TSTO", and then attempt to remove them again by clicking the plus sign by their gamer icon and removing them.


Quickly scroll down, tap their name, and try to remove asap.

I have found that it is crap-shoot either way and that you may have to try several times to remove a single friend.

Also, after removing one friend at a time, you're most likely going to get disconnected. Just repeat the steps and try again.

I have been removing my 31 friends for 25 minutes now. Slow going, but at least I got to accept a few pending invites!

Good luck and I hope this helps a little! :D
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