Forum Discussion

whojackedmyname's avatar
11 years ago

Helter shelter

you can win it with the holiday wheel, no questline starts it
    STILL trying for this...dam wheel! Thought I had it
    This morning, it stopped on the edge of it and the
    Next one, it rolled slightly back on to helter shelter,
    But it bloody paid out on the other. And it
    Clearly rolled back....aaaarrrgghhhh so disappointed!
  • I got Helter Shelter on either my 1st or 2nd spin... Lulling me into a false sense of security the sneaky Russians!

    Now Claus Co on the other hand... I still haven't got that SOB!
  • Just hit 100,000 myself and still no ClausCo. Every spin is a gigantic "screw you" to me. The wheel has to be rigged. Thanks EA. Thanks Obama.
  • 110k, still no ClausCo and the event is ending soon. Guess I don't get one. Sucks to be me.