Forum Discussion

2elitegeeks's avatar
12 years ago

multi-person tasks with only one person rewards??

Interrogate squealer does give double. It's not listed as such, but I just did it and it paid 154 money. I don't know about Babysit Rod and Todd. I don't have them yet.
  • I'll have to check next time. I guess i never really watched how much i get when its done. I just know exercise for burns, and interrogate flanders tells you that you get double so i assumed if it didn't say double, you didn't get it. Can anyone else confirm this?
  • I just checked, i got $156 from interrogate squealer which is double the money plus a little from the bonus multiplier. I guess even though it says only $70 it still gives what it should. I will have to check the babysit rod and todd but its probably the same......So i guess i retract my initial complaint and offer my apology to EA :-)