Forum Discussion

ordinarilybob's avatar
11 years ago

Questions About Friendship System

Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on one heck of a first post! :thumbup: I'll see what I can answer for you. 1. If when visiting your friends, you see an icon (dollar sign, stack of money, etc.) it can be tapped. If there is nothing available to be tapped, either your neighbors are not clearing out handshakes (icons above the buildings in the receiving town) or they completely tapped their own town, leaving you nothing to tap. Although some players are against housefarming, one good way to ensure your neighbors will have something to tap when they visit you is establish a small quantity of extra houses. Do NOT tap them yourself, until you see a handshake icon floating above them (this icon indicates that a visiting neighbor has tapped said building). 2. Krustyland tickets are indeed the common currency in Krustyland (donuts can be used in KL for premium items, if you so desire) and I had to search for the other answer for you. According to what I read, although you will not lose the tickets you are currently accumulating, You will not be able to see a ticket count (or use them of course) until you have built the KL shuttle and unlocked KL. Once again, I got that information off a random website, so I don't guarantee it's validity. 3. That is the handshake icon I mentioned earlier. It does reset the counter on that building, so as long as you're diligent about clearing handshakes whenever you're in your town, essentially the neighbor who tapped it is in essence helping you by harvesting the building for you. You get the money from the building, they get money and XP in their game from tapping your town. Although you don't get additional money, try to not look at it in terms of profit or loss. It's all profit once the building has paid for itself. It also depends on how much time you can afford to spend inside your town. If you have a large quantity of brown houses, and can tap them every five minutes, those few dollars will add up rapidly...IF you tap them EVERY five minutes. That's why more housefarmers prefer purple (4 hours) or blue houses (8 hours). 4. Graffiti is subjective. I myself hate it. I never vandalize my neighbors except by accident. Although these buildings will not generate revenue, when you spray someone else, yes the get money for cleaning it up. There is also the possibility, that if they don't clean it up soon enough that you will cause their Righteousness rating in the Conform-O-Meter to drop, thus having a detrimental effect on whatever bonus they have in their town. There are ways to ensure no matter how much your town is vandalized, your Righteousness will never take a blow (usually buying about 30 training walls and placing them in your town will do the trick). Personally, I'm so bitter about the times my town was sprayed and my bonus effected that I just don't vandalize. 5. That just shows who LAST tapped that particular property. Don't know why it happens, but it happened to me, too. 6.You are limited to 100 neighbors, not counting the default (Other Springfield).When you are in the neighbor menu (after tapping the Bart and Milhouse icon) and looking at your first three neighbors, tap the Bart and Milhouse icon again. It will bring up a list of friend requests received or sent (if applicable) and from there you can scroll down and see all your neighbors listed alphabetically. 7. Once you have achieved the last current friend point prize, they will stop accruing until they release a new friend point prize. You will actually receive more money from visiting friends, have a very slim chance (supposedly 1 in 200 odds, but I don't believe it) of getting a free donut from tapping a building in a neighbor's town (I've gotten more than a few free donuts this way) still get money/XP from being visited, but no friend points. I keep a full compliment of neighbors, and try to tap them all daily even when there isn't a prize available, just for the possibility of free donuts. 8. If your Origin name is the same as the name that your submission is posted under, surprise! Your name is already public, and you might get random friend requests. Many of the popular forum users actually have add something along the lines of "Please don't add me" to their signatures. The preferred method is to go to the Finding Friends board. That entire section of the forum is a great way to get maxed out on neighbors. For some reason, some forum users (myself included) can not RESPOND in that section (although I can still browse, and send friend requests in-game). If you encounter that difficulty, and still wish to make your own post, check the sticky threads at the top of the Game Discussion board. I think the last time I posted in there, it referenced the Stonecutters Event, although the mods might have changed it by now. Since sending random friend requests is frowned upon (as is posting add-me messages in anywhere other than the designated area) the Finding Friends board is really the best way to go. 9. The only other things my poor, enfeebled, little brain can think of at this moment are: If you haven't already noticed, You will get (I THINK) 10 FP for your first 30 actions (10 towns), 5 FP for your next 30 actions, then (I THINK) 4, then 2 and finally 1 for your last 180 Actions. You will get a message (social butterfly) that will tell you you've maxed out on FP, but can continue visiting neighbors for extra money. If you have a full compliment of ACTIVE neighbors you will have exactly 1 town left to tap at this point. You can receive just over 800 (I want to say 830) FP per day. The Prizes fluctuate in cost. This one is 4000, the next one is 5000, the one after that is 3500, etc. I'm using subjective numbers, but don't be surprised when you see it. Okay, one (HUGE) wall of text later, I hope I answered some of your questions. I'm off to soak my fingers in ice water. Once again, welcome to the forum. :D
  • What a fantastic reply MusicBooks960. You quite nicely answered my questions, yes, and thank you!

  • OrdinarilyBob wrote:
    What a fantastic reply MusicBooks960. You quite nicely answered my questions, yes, and thank you!

    Not a problem. Once again I apologize for the wall of text (it's kind of my thing), but I was racking my brain trying to be as comprehensive as possible. If you happen to think of any more questions, just ask, and chances are someone on the forum will know the answer. Although sometimes I just lurk, I spend most of my time on the forum in Game Discussion. I occasionally hit up FAQs or Bugs and Issues, and Off-topic is sometimes good for a giggle. Whenever you're on the board, you might want to take time to look around. There are a BUNCH of (MOSTLY) good and friendly people, and an absolute wealth of knowledge. Happy tapping, and I'll see you around the forum! :thumbup:
  • So it seems when you collect from a friend-tapped handshake icon, there is a minimum amount of money you earn, but if the normal income is more, you get that. So if your friend taps your Brown House, you get that minimum (I think it's $25), instead of the Brown's normal small amount, but if your friend taps your White House, Channel 6, or something else bigger, you get that larger/normal payout.

    So that's cool.