2 years ago
Champion trunks
For the love of god please let us choose to wear champion trunks again for every fighter, instead of having to wait for weeks for you to bother changing it yourself. And so we can finally do proper c...
I don't think anything is going to be done about this. I believe it's intentionally left out because for some reason they want it this way. It was posted numerous times on this board and others about this same situation in UFC 4, and the response from EA Moderators was "Yes, this is something we are looking into, and may address in a future patch" with nothing ever being done.. The subject about the Trunks have been brought up on this board in regards to UFC 5 as soon as it was created, but if you search through the topics you will see that every time this topic was questioned or brought up, the Moderators never replied to this subject although they did address questions in topics posted above, below, and all around this topic, so you know they saw it, and it was flat out ignored. Had I known this, I would have cancelled my Pre-order, and EA knows many others would have also if they would have been upfront about the omission, hence the silence. A future patch they say, and we get a new game supposedly with a new engine and still the same major problem that kills replay value for people like me who don't game online. So that Slogan " It's Real As It Getts" is a no, no.. Question........ If this is a new engine built from the ground up, how is that there is so much of the EXACT same stuff from UFC 4. All of the CAF selections are the exact same, even the fight promotion pictures hanging in the Gym where you train are the exact same from 4. Shouldn't all of this be different with a total new engine?
is that, the admins complete ignore everything someone's says about the shorts...
The point is: They only focused on make online gaming and earn more money into that.
But, the fact is that has some players like me and others, that just simply like to play offline, create events, Champ x Champ battles....
This guys don't realize that a simple thing like shorts colors or champ shorts makes all the difference in the game.. And like i said previously... If you play carrer mode your caf fighter change shorts colors, so is the option that is completely possible, but they just ignore it.
like champ shorts, for example Volka now has it, but if loses title, gonna lose shorts already in the game. Its completely bizarre that you can't choose that.
And for last, all that we talking about, is a feature that has on the first games(1,2 ,3).. so its a degree about the previous titles.