10 months ago
No dynamics in grappling
Hello. First of all I want to say thanks for the changes to the striking it looks a lot better. We have the problem of a non-dynamic ground game interferes too much and slows down the game. Takedo...
@JKexplosion1 some nonsense about who is an MMA fan and who is not. Can we check this somehow? If it seems that everything should be like in life, then in the game there should be situations like Omeili’s: 1 hit, 1 knockout. But this is not the case, because the game creates conventions and I may not like this or that convention. Slow grappling where you lie the whole round and you and your opponent can’t do anything, it’s bad from my point of view. This kills interest in the game. For this reason, I believe that this aspect of the game needs to be made more dynamic so that both the one who attacks can do something and the one who defends. Now it looks like the struggle of peak Georges St-Pierre. Lie down and pray
I'm saying it's a "mixed" martial game, not a striking game. Most hardcore players want a real sim, sadly enough if you're not good enough on the ground to get up then yes youll be stuck and that's just realistic man. I don't know what else I need to say other than a lot and I mean a lot of ppl love grappling and find the chess match fun. Alot of you guys just want to spam a million strikes and then you rage quit the moment you get dumped on your head. To each their own but id suggest you just "Get Gud".
Where are there any arguments other than “I like it this way”? What chess? You just pull the stick in different directions. in UFC 4 I had a 1900 rating. In UFC 5 I had 1600. I can’t say that I’m a casual who doesn’t know how to press buttons. I'm not saying that only defensive grappling should be dominant? Both attacking and defending in grappling is very boring. It's slow.
If this is supposed to be a sports simulator, then knockouts should be with 1-2 hits. Will it be fun? Don't think.
I have no problems with grappling. You sound like you transition every way on the ground then quit cause they blocked em all. You had to do certian transitions when theyre transitions, allowing thier stamina to recover. If it feels slow to you. It cause you probably are using a striker and got taken down. Its like when i try striking a striker with a grappler. Guess who allways lands first? Suprise suprise, the striker.