@8307c07d04f79951 Well i guess if you hear or figure anything out, just let me know, I have filed so many reports on it hoping something would finally fix it. I have heard completely resetting the PS5 could possibly fix issues like this but thats so ridiculous that I would have to factory reset my PS5 just to get this single broken game to work, not worth the hassle or time. If I knew what i knew now, i dont think i would have bought it honestly, Payed $100 for the early access and didnt even get to play early, still cant even play. Very upset with how this has been handled, has to be a game issue as I dont have this problem with any other games. I also think that theres some sort of Bug with the "download fighter update" pop up, it keeps popping up for me but when i hit download it just keeps saying it failed, then it wont let me play online or do the fighter challenges, i feel that it may be connected to the issue possibly, its weird because when the game first came out it wouldnt download the update and after deleting and reinstalling a handful of time, some of my play time it would download it fine, this game is just a mess right now and i dont see it being in a good state for another year or more atleast, kind of like it was with UFC 4.