6 years ago
Please make UFC 4 on the PC too, there are a lot of PC players that want to play UFC on their machines, you said already that its not hard for you to make it, then make it. You will just earn money f...
Cmon man just do it.
I can assure you there's a huge demand for UFC to be playable on PC. If you didn't know, there's literally NO FIGHTING GAME ON PC! The best thing a PC gamer can do is to get a PS2 emulator and play Fight Night Round 3. We want UFC on PC and we want basically any fighting games for PC!
Come on!
Also, what the heck does the Madden community have to do with this topic?
Please EA, stay true to your word and port UFC 4 to PC.
ufc would look and play better on pc . thats just facts . and its not about not making money . there is fighting games on PC Mortal Kombat 11 has sold 1.8 million copies ( PC DIGITAL )
there has been intrest in this game since ufc2 there was even a petition that got signed , like this isnt hidden on the internet just type bring ufc to pc petition in google and read any of the 2,900,000 results .
making FREE DIGITAL sales on pc its a All WIN situation . . unless of course you getting side money from ps4 and mircrosoft . . i dont trust you as a company i dislike EA actually quite a lot recently . with all the loot boxs stuff and ultimate team fifa points and star wars . and the blantent lies saying you cant Buy fifa teams and opening cards packs is not betting . seems very much the same as star wars ,. Characters completlely out of reach of normal players . unless you "lucky" . . or buy a team from ebay or G2a
for sure they milking it they taking some money somewhere to not realease on pc . My bet is Sony but allowed on xbox in the deal . EA always milked everything they touched so far why stop now
yeah man at this point they don't care. It's really frustrating .
Another year of EA ignoring PC gamers. Get used to it UFC fans, NHL fans have been waiting over 10 years. With news that FIFA will be using the outdated engines for this years release with no opt in for the next gen versions using PC as your main platform looks to be pretty disastrous for sports this year.
We've been petitioning for several years to get UFC on PC. I seriously invite you to go checked.
UFC 2 petition PC - 12K votes
UFC 3 petition PC continues to rise, 300 votes in 24 hours
PC players are showing off their guys slowly on Twitter. We're a big PC community wanting to get UFC on Pc
i've been waiting for a UFC release on PC for years seriously why cant EA give us a PC release with UFC 4 i would pre order it for 80$ or 90$ just release it on PC and take my money i just want to play a UFC game on pc without having to buy an entire console only to play this game..there is no other game that interest me in consoles except the UFC games..please just give us UFC 4 PC version please i beg you i'll pre order it on the spot!
Guys Please go vote petition pc. I did a topic earlier . https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Information/UFC-4-PETITION-PC/m-p/9309079/highlight/false#M4
no point even doing a petition its already been done like 3 times already . and like 20-30 times on the same ufc .
each time the petition gets less and less people signing it because people cant be bothered to waste there time
Everyone wants ufc 4 on pc just do ir
everyone wants ufc on pc
Hello, is there a chance that next gen versions will come out at the same time as PC versions?
can we get a confirmation by EA if we will see a pc version? or this is gonna be YET AGAIN one of those years where PC players get ignored and they continue to release on ps4 again and again and again till the end of times.
It would be nice if Ea communicated once and for all why it doesn't give PC version