4 years ago
ufc 3 game face
I uploaded my photo on the ea sports website but it won't save, and when I try to upload the game face on the ufc 3 game I get an error try again message what's going on?
- 4 years ago
Hi, @ixaac_DeAlvia
We have a variety of workarounds for the community listed here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Other-UFC-Games/Ufc-3-game-face/m-p/8610446#M11372
To sum it up, there are a lot of factors that can result in errors when uploading and saving an image on the site. This could be browser related, quality of the image used, whether the image is compatible, and so forth. It's difficult for us to pinpoint a specific fix. I can only advise to review the link above on what has helped other players experiencing the error.