Forum Discussion
I do agree that the game is missing some stuff, I'd rather have ultimate team than the other modes, I liked the grind of challenges set out, and no game face is a let down to these are basic features ea ufc have had for years, and they had ages to build the game but it almost feels rushed and started late real shame I had high hopes for this game sadly I don't see myself playing the game much and I imagine it to die out fairly fast too there's nothing to keep you engaged in the game i really liked the challenges in ufc3 on ut and the grind towards unlocking fighters ufc4 is a step down and its a real shame
- 5 years ago
It's missing alot of stuff man, they had more than enough time to work on this game, I can only assume they started late & finished fast. Doesn't look like a game they put much time into.. UFC 3 looks & feels better, it had better graphics too sadly & better striking,everything feels off, Striking doesn't feel in sync with buttons.. How does the previous game look better? The newer game should look better.. You're suppose to evolve the game not worsen it, so backwards.. No gameface/face scans.. Unreal, Makes no sense that UFC 4 doesn't have this I'm fuming, so pissed man
- 5 years ago
If they don't add a feature where we can scan our faces & or take pictures through a an our phones like NBA LIVE 18, & an alternative option through the ps camera, I'm returning the game, on my momma, il return it just like many other of my friends & followers will too, for the same reasons, too many flaws, this game shouldn't cost $60. It's like we are doing EA a favor & giving them money in advance for a game that was rushed & not even completely made, so what are we getting out of this? Who's bright idea was it to leave that out when all the other previous UFC titles had it? Again makes no sense , EA FIX THIS, UPDATE IT IN A PATCH. ASAP & IMPROVE THE GRAPHICS & GAMEPLAY, STRIKING FEELS SO OFF. UFC 3 was in better stages when they released the beta. Y'all literally released the whole game & it's worse then UFC 3 when it was on beta. Crazy huh
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