Forum Discussion
It's missing alot of stuff man, they had more than enough time to work on this game, I can only assume they started late & finished fast. Doesn't look like a game they put much time into.. UFC 3 looks & feels better, it had better graphics too sadly & better striking,everything feels off, Striking doesn't feel in sync with buttons.. How does the previous game look better? The newer game should look better.. You're suppose to evolve the game not worsen it, so backwards.. No gameface/face scans.. Unreal, Makes no sense that UFC 4 doesn't have this I'm fuming, so pissed man
- 5 years ago
If they don't add a feature where we can scan our faces & or take pictures through a an our phones like NBA LIVE 18, & an alternative option through the ps camera, I'm returning the game, on my momma, il return it just like many other of my friends & followers will too, for the same reasons, too many flaws, this game shouldn't cost $60. It's like we are doing EA a favor & giving them money in advance for a game that was rushed & not even completely made, so what are we getting out of this? Who's bright idea was it to leave that out when all the other previous UFC titles had it? Again makes no sense , EA FIX THIS, UPDATE IT IN A PATCH. ASAP & IMPROVE THE GRAPHICS & GAMEPLAY, STRIKING FEELS SO OFF. UFC 3 was in better stages when they released the beta. Y'all literally released the whole game & it's worse then UFC 3 when it was on beta. Crazy huh
- 5 years ago
(I copied & paste this comment I posted on another thread, figured I post it here since this thread is gaining alot of attention. Its filled with alot of awesome ideas that they can add)
This is #1, Add Gameface BACK, Face scans/take pictures on our phones through an app as an option for those who don't own a computer! Scan faces through ps camera too,BRING BACK ASAP!! This is a big dissapointment & downgrade for the game , Seriously, that's the main reason I & many others bought this game, I have always used the gameface feature, the biggest flaw to this feature was the fact we had to use a computer to scan our faces (everyone doesn't have/own a computer),
instead we should be able to scan our faces through an app on our phones like NBA LIVE 18? & an alternative option to scan our faces through the ps camera, that way we choose whatever option is more convenient for us, it would be so much easier & many more people would use the feature as well, Would hate to return this game for the lack of effort but I am willing if no major changes are made & many of my followers & friends agree (hardcore players btw), & since y'all are adding all these goofy accessories, might as well add shoes, wrestling shoes etc, brass knuckles, boxing gloves, all types of gloves, hand wraps, Jewlery, all types of piercings, grills (Gold teeth like kimbo slice) of all types (gold,diamond,silver, platinum) earrings, Cuban link chains of all sizes, Cuban link chokers, two tone Cuban link chains, tennis chains, dog chains, pendants of all types & sizes, bracelets, ankle bracelets,watches, rings (Silver,Gold,Platinum,diamonds) Also some of us might not always feel like playing with all the goofy accessories all the time, so an option where we can turn off accessories would be good, incase we are in a realistic type of gameplay mood without all the crazy accessories, also, make the chains to where they're actually swinging & moving when the fighters move in motion, just like the hair, hair motion when moving should be on the game, crazy how something as small as that can bring realism to the game (should have BEEN in the game), facial expressions while striking, more urban like haircuts & facial hair/beards, more Fades, blowouts, buzz cuts with tapers, tapers of all types, more braid styles, dread styles seriously EA what have u been doing? UFC 4 has the same hairstyles & facial hairs,mouth guards,bodies etc. since UFC 1 do y'all think we don't notice? Update & add more options towards everything , we should be able to wear hats, dad hats, bandanas, fitteds, ski caps, durags, etc. I mean if we can wear these masks why not head wear. Also, Take a page from 2k my park but for UFC, where we can stroll & look for fights with other players in the street or gym, train with partners at the gym, challenge eachother, challenge players from other gyms,create events, with progress, we should unlock gear & rewards, this would keep people playing the game, we need more online modes, offline is really not important, the career mode is played once by most people & never again after that, once we're done with it we stay online, so more online modes is what y'all need to focus on & continue to add, not offline, Also, an online bare knuckle mode should be added, fight night had it but it was offline which wasn't very smart from theyre part. Also, community sharing should be available ofcourse after gameface is added, that way we can download fighters from other players just like Fight Night would have (Old idea I been expecting since UFC1). Also, If I touch my opponent first while hes about to strike, I should interupt his striking motion, just like UFC 3, that is REALISTIC, We want REALISTIC GAMEPLAY & GRAPHICS, blood dripping down face & body nonstop animations, similar to Nate Diaz when he's covers in blood in real life, also this game should be rated M not rated T maybe that's why this game isn't where it should be.. This game should be just as bloody as mortal kombat.. (Sarcasm but seriously) more agressive slams, more of everything. We should have options for everything thing in every aspect made in this game, an in-depth creation system which should have been implemented, ability to edit lengths of legs, arms, torso, neck length, feet, size of hands, all these lil things should be on the game already it's really sad that we are this far in gaming & y'all haven't gotten it right. I've been watching & playing for years & now is the time I'm finally speaking up & expressing myself on these forums. AGAIN we want REALISM, This game looks & feels like a kids arcade game . Kids don't even really play this game like that, Adults are the type of crowd that play this so try to listen to the adults not the kids. Dam atleast let us adults enjoy one game. Let the kids keep tekken etc. Seriously EA make these changes & or implement these ideas to the game , Also, more backyard venues, a boxing ring venue would be cool, as I continue to type more ideas keep arising so sorry if everything's all over the place, I had to retype everything cause the page crashed on me previously, which I was about to just let go & not post anything due to that but I have to give feedback hence the game isn't free, it costs, all this will only make the game better, we in hard times & we want our moneys worth , Another idea, I already read articles of why Ultimate Team has been removed, truth is you're removing options & leaving us with little to none, more options is always better, I don't even think the reason y'all removed Ultimate team was a good enough reason to be honest, it's cool to have the option to jump on ranked with only licensed fighters or play as a created fighter on UT. Now unless you add "UT" under a different online mode name with it's own twist & aspect then that wouldn't be such a bad idea, point is, people like to have options , & y'all are taking that away, MORE ONLINE MODES, we are trying to avoid getting bored of this game in a short period of time. Also, add fighters entrances? Add More taunts, middle finger taunts, fight/doctor/Referee stoppages, deep cuts, head Movement should be fluid like (fight night), I'm not really feeling the footwork in the game, there should be a specific mix of button or buttons/triggers that we can press to sorta jump up & down sort of like how Bruce lee fights as defensive manuver mechanic/mechanism move, would look nice, where is the Thai clinch? U should be able to rock/stumble someone with even a simple jab if landed properly with perfect timing (should be rare tho), (IMPORATANT ADDITION) more flash knockouts , let us get extra hits in before the ref steps in (alot more hits), feels more intense, striking/grappling with analog sticks, MMA for PS3 had striking via analog sticks & let me tell you, the striking felt real Realistic cause of that mind you it was a PS3 game, its around 10 years old & ironically the developers was EA so when it comes to striking take a page from Fight Night & MMA from PS3 those games were ahead of their time (At the time), make the alternative controls it would really bring life to the game, (there's something about striking with analogs that enhances the gameplay when it comes to striking) please add this, the only downfall of that MMA game for PS3 at the time was the ground game, having to use buttons, if only striking & grappling would have been controlled through analogs, it would have been a hell of a game, I will give more feedback once I think of more ideas. I hope I'm not giving feedback in vain cause this does take quite some dedication & I do care enough to give feedback & ideas cause I know that my ideas are very good & would make the game so much better. EA should pay me for my gaming Ideas. NO CAP BRUH, il be back for more feedback
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