5 years ago
UFC freezes on load
UFC 3 won’t load, just keeps freezing and bringing me back to Xbox dashboard. Worked fine yesterday, only a few people are being effected by this. I love this game what do I do?
I don’t want to lose all my progress though. There’s just no reason for this
The power reset for Xbox one does not work to fix the problem
Well now turning off the connection won’t even do the trick. It’s back to being broken
Thanks for getting back with updates on the situation. It's been raised up to the team and we'll get back to you all as soon as possible on this.
Any update on this issue. My game is still crashing and pushing me to the main menu.
I've been facing this problem for the past 2 days. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, nothing. Then I tried to move it to my external hard drive, nothing. I've reset my xbox, I've unplugged my xbox after doing a hard shut down and waited over 10 seconds before plugging back in, nothing. I've reset my router, nothing. I've deleted my game data, nothing. All of these things whenever I started up the game the furthest I could get is the menu, then it would make a terrible noise when it froze, then crash and go back to the xbox one dash. The only thing I've had any luck with, is only a temporary work around but seems to have pointed out the problem for me. I went into my account on the computer and unlinked my xbox one from ea. Now I'm unable to use any online features, not even download my face for character creation, but so far I've been able to do single fights and some basic functions of the game. But everytime I link my account back up, you know, to play the rest of the game that I bought, it crashes all over again. So is there anything going on with EA accounts at the moment that might be causing this?
It definitely has to do with the linking of the accounts. The only way I have been able to play online at all was to create an entirely new account and sign up for a month of gamepass ultimate which is $1 right now. I'm not going to continue to subscribe after but that is the only way I've been able to play online. I can't play on my original account 😭. This is some BS, I don't understand why they can't find or fix this issue.
Do you guys that are having this problem play through EA access, because I was having the problem on there. Then I bought it to own and deleted my save data and reserved space after it was fully installed and it has worked ever since. Although it could have been blind luck it might help.
I totally agree with you and don't agree with what the EA rep said I'm going through the same as you