5 years ago
UFC freezes on load
UFC 3 won’t load, just keeps freezing and bringing me back to Xbox dashboard. Worked fine yesterday, only a few people are being effected by this. I love this game what do I do?
Try resetting your password at Help.EA.com or EA.com instead. Although Origin is known for PC games, any time someone creates an EA account they're prompted to register an Origin ID for their EA account. Technically, everyone has an Origin ID if they've logged into the EA servers.
I have tried every option with no luck. The one thing I noticed is when I unlink my account from the ea website, the game tells me the online features will not work but the game itself works just fine. I can play every mode besides multiplayer with no freeze and boot. When I link my account back whether it's through the ea access app, the website, origin, or the game itself, the game freezes right after the main menu and boots me instantly. It is with the linking of the account that has the issue