Forum Discussion
Title. Where's this supposed Hotfix thats been needed since 1.4.0, a month ago. Thats not what a hotfix is. Get something out already...
- 2 years ago
So, we've been purchasing this game full price and not being able to play it so far. Now it is 40% discount on amazon. Quite ridiculous already, if not that on top of that there's no info on if or when it will be playable. @EA_Groguet.
Is there any way to get a refund?
- 2 years ago
@EA_Groguet.....have you left? Any news on the fix for this unplayable mess? EA need to start refunding us all as this is not fit to be released and the silence speaks volumes!
- 2 years ago
They don’t seem to care. I’ve about given up on Codemasters which is pretty sad, because they have been a game studio that I have loved for a very long time. Between Dirt 5 being such a terrible game to this game being released in this state, it’s just been one disappointment after another. Then on top of that, the promised updates to remedy all the issues with the game actually making the game worse, essentially unplayable for many of us. No hot fix update is coming apparently, we all just have to wait for the next regular update, which could very well make the problems worse given how the last updates have gone. Also, them advertising new content and clubs to participate in when the game is basically in an unplayable state feels like a low blow. Finally, the lack of communication is ridiculous. Another studio tragedy brought to us by the lovely people at EA.
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