@EA_Vendcera are you able to update on VR PC release?
Seems not much has been said about it yet it was advertised as a game feature pre-release so there is an obligation to inform the user base of the reasons for delaying this feature and provide an estimate of the PC VR feature being released. So far it's looking like marketing got a bit excited and what was on offer is unable to be delivered so some kind of communication of reassurance would be appreciated by customers and dampen the hopes of litigation.
What ever your community management policy/PR strategy is (likely influence by EA policy) it's not going well. Talk to us regularly, be honest, own up to mistakes and overly enthusiastic release dead lines and things will run much more smoothly. We still have faith that the move to EA will have more positives than negatives, but if their out of touch corporate/please the share-holders at all costs mentality takes over, things will end in tears.
Please let this be a happy ending and not a negative one. We need transparency and updates, so far things are showing signs of typical EA money grab BS. What DiRT Rally started was amazing and you have our attention and wallets primed, please make this work out. 🤔