Recently I’ve done more than 2000 damages in a game of battle royal (I’m sure about it ) with mirage and didn’t receive my hammer badge. Can I have some explanation ? I played other game to see ...
Badge missing
6 days agoHero
Was this standard battle royale?
Keep in mind that whenever there are special items in-game (e.g. Buster Sword, Rift Relics) that damage & kill badges won't be awarded, as these make it easier to get those badges.
Right now you can only get them from ranked if I recall correctly.
6 days agoNew Spectator
oh okay i see, thank you
- Midnight97466 days agoHero
skrazze Its my understanding that the badges would be reenabled next season, (S24), but I'm not sure how much longer Respawn plans on having the Rift Relics in the game.
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