I've played multiple ranked games today where I didn't receive my points.
The points were showing on my summary but weren't added once I went back into the lobby.
[CM - Edited title for clarity]
I've played multiple ranked games today where I didn't receive my points.
The points were showing on my summary but weren't added once I went back into the lobby.
[CM - Edited title for clarity]
Had a similar issue. I won a match which was going to place me into d3 from d4 received "unable to find party server" and when I got to the menu screen it showed I was still in d4. I could then view the summary from the recent match showing the points I earned and that I ranked up.
Yes! That's the same error message I received too.
Same here!
I should have 173RP and I didnt get them too.
i played 2 games and didnt receive in points in both matches, what is this
Same man will the fix it
Thank you for the reports, folks!
We're currently investigating the situation and once we have any updates we'll be sure to share them here. Thanks for hanging in there in the meantime!
Same, I was on 635 points, won the game ranked to plat 2 from plat 3 and it didnt count
Hey everyone,
We've just pushed a fix that should correct this issue. Please restart and give things another try.
Thanks again for the patience while we were getting this cleared up!
We just pushed an update to fix some matchmaking issues that went live today. The following errors should now be resolved:
-Being unable to leave/join a match
-Not gaining RP after a Ranked match
-Getting the error message "Unable to find party server"
Same, i played few games when the map changed after that i had this issue i supposed to be in plat 4 but im still in gold 1.
Hello, will I get the points that I'm missed on?