I’ve been playing apex for about 5-6 weeks now with packet loss and it’s been horrible. You only get 1 good game out for 3-4 games with constant lag. It’s unplayable. I read someone’s comments on X a...
Performance Mode bugged
14 days agoSeasoned Novice
Agree! Same issue here on xbox too. I reolied to a dev's post on X informing him of issue but unsure if it is being addressed. Checked the trello board and there is nothing regarding this issue for OCE. Best we can do now is continue posting across a bunch of platforms until it gains traction or is noticed and addressed. Pessimistic about this though bc our player base is so small and doubt they care enough. Every day I lose more and more love for this game. Eventually majority of OCE player base is just going to disapear bc the game is completely unplayable due to this issue and i wish the exact opposite.
- ibearIy14 days agoNew Rookie
what’s the dev’s @?
- Taishingpekwah13 days agoSeasoned Novice
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