Missing badges on mirage?!
A few months ago I finally achieved a 20 kill game and 4k damage game however when I went back to main menu my game crashed and I didn't get any of the badges?! I have photo proof and everything but live chat was utterly useless. I earned these badges and still don't have them?!7Views0likes0CommentsIn Lobby: Banners of friends and "last squad" show my own player stats
Whenever I choose to inspect the banner of a player in my lobby (both from the “last squad” section and/or friends list) it displays my own stats in the tracker section of their banners. It doesn't matter whether they are displaying career kills, weapon kills, legend specific stats—I'm only able to see my own listed.8Views0likes0CommentsBadge bug
This is happened to me twice now where I’ve gotten a high damage game with a character and not gotten the badge. Is there anyway where I can get it still. I have the picture from both the games and where I’ve gotten them. It just sucks because I worked hard for those so me not seeing my badge at the end really sucks. Please Devs can you help me get my badges for both the characters I played18Views0likes2Comments