
TornadoTwistar's avatar
New Spectator
13 days ago

CPU opponent keeps going Tempo/Hurry Up while on Offense

Platform (PlayStation 5, XBOX Series X|S): PlayStation 5

Bug (Be Specific): The CPU QB on offense keeps going tempo or calling hurry up no matter what quarter we are in for the game (in real life football, I would usually see tempo being mostly used when a team is behind in the 4th quarter and trying to score quickly in order to attempt an onside kick to get the ball back or tie/win the game late in the going or trying to score last minute points before halftime...not go tempo at the end of the 1st quarter or in the middle of the 3rd quarter LOLOL!!!)

Game Mode Experienced In: Offline Dynasty

Can you reproduce it? How?: Doesn't matter which team I'm facing or what difficulty I'm's happening with every team other than the user/player team I'm controlling. Happens on Heisman and All-American difficulty

Video/Picture of Bug (attach to post or link to media): Attached

Additional Feedback: NCAA 14 had CPU coach adjustments (offensive and defensive aggressiveness) that you could make from the "Edit Coach" settings that would stop this but I haven't been able to find anyway to adjust on the CPU coach in College Football 25 we're playing against...this feature needs to come back for College Football 26 as it's very important if you want a realistic experience.

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