
Rgun2130's avatar
New Novice
28 days ago

Launch party solo event crashing over and over in third quarter

So, I will lead with this, there's no way.... Absolutely no way I'll ever spend a thousand dollars with this company again. I was so excited to wait eleven years to play college football again only to spend, spend, spend , spend money money money and every single time I have an issue nobody knows what to do, they push you out to another person, who will in return email you, well. I've actually had it at this point. This is the most legal robbery I've ever witnessed, EA so let me explain this issue, it's not big to you, it's huge to us.. so the launch party event where your reward after playing for an hour is a 91 pick em pack, here's the funny part, you can't get there when you get a developer error mid season in the third quarter that force closes you to the main menu and counts as another loss, no reward for you sir..... Gotcha..... Not to mention that I passed all your requirements for the national championship event to get the upgrade token but it doesn't exist, I have Blake corum meaning that's proof all the requirements were met but no token... I've opened so many tickets and cases and not one resolve after a customer pays 70 dollars then you get another thousand dollars from them buying packs to try to keep up, and nobody helps you.... I've seen better customer support at the dollar tree.... Last thing I'm ever going to say, I'm a Nashville recording artist I have over 200 thousand followers and today I'm spending all day sending everyone of my artists from every show I've ever played Cfb 25 on the bus with and we're done I'm literally going to send them hundreds of dollars to uninstall and have every follower get a free t shirt and maybe even a vinyl if they go leave a real review. You guys know as well as all of us customers knew the entire time, if there was a bug where we couldn't open a reward pack because the game crashed or we lost championship after championship because of a crash, nothing was done..... Not once have I gotten anything from customer service, nothing...... Nobody cares unlessssss.... We as a community started pulling good cards from recruit packs or from recruit bundles I've literally watched the servers go down within an hour because we as the customer who pays for the pack and pays your percentage to list our money spent in the auction house was about to give us a return.... But nope y'all catch that instantly. So the majority of us literally are stuck at around 250k and can never have enough coins to buy anything new without giving you twenty more dollars for some cards that are bound to us. This wasn't a rant, this is full on the worst experience I've ever had online since AOL was invented. I'm going to say how I feel only because it's truth. You could fix this game, you really could but the greed and evil has taken over and you don't care if we get anything in return. Nothing....... It's case resolved by no reward no resolve, and you all are happy with it. 

We promise you, the moment someone else gets the rights to college football, we're all going to give them their flowers and support every thing they deserve, I am deeply and I cannot express how deeply exhausted with the way we're treated as consumers, it's not enough to apologize and say I'm sorry your experiencing that, it's robbery....... If you false advertise and never give back and people send you their money connected to their bank account your robbing people blind.... 

I don't like being robbed, I can usually defend it but in this case, your the police so we can't report it. You lost a lot of us today, an absolute ton.... Greed will get you nowhere, robbery will get you shut down, yes there's a handful of people happy to buy Cfb 26 but wherever your CEO is, wait until he sees the numbers dropping and two years later nobody is working on college football anymore because customer service literally robbed us and chose to never help us.  PS if this post doesn't get banned for truth guys add me on ps we spend a ton of time playing on the road and I'll take you guys with me, just not this game unless something gets done and it's not possible rgun2130 PSN 👊🏻 I'm sorry for y'all's experiences with this and for those who follow me I'll keep you posted if any resolve happens, with screenshots. Aight let's go chill with Lorrie Morgan today, sounds like a plan. 


Ricky S Gunter , Sony entertainment orchard ©️



  • I've had the same thing happen to me twice today!! No point of playing when all it does it count as a loss and can't ever get to the reward... so frustrating!

  • I played an ultimate team from EA on one of the first few years it was available, maybe FIFA 09/10 I played it. I had a stacked team, spent literally days and money (I was working since I was 14, so I’d throw $20 here and there). Well when the following years game came out and I realized I got no credit whatsoever from my progress on the last years ultimate team, I never played it again. I felt so robbed. I thought, the least they could do is give me some players from my last team, maybe even just give me that teams worth in coins to purchase new players or packs the next year right? Nope. Just straight robbery lol. So I don’t understand why people still spend money on this game mode, I really don’t. Those of you spending money on it are the reason they don’t update any offline features, and when they do it’s mediocre at best. The money grab is real and until people stop spending ludicrous amounts of money on ultimate team, they’ll continue to do to you all exactly what you’ve mentioned above. Do like me, only get the game on sale as it’s never worth full price, and don’t play ultimate team. If enough people stop, they’ll have to focus on quality again, like they used to before 2012. All the issues I’ve had with College Football offline have not been addressed, and I know it won’t be from experiences with FIFA, madden, etc. I’m just hoping someone else picks up the NCAA basketball license so they can’t ruin that game too

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