Is anyone else having trouble getting 5 stars on the seth mclaughlin challenge for the stars of the season challenge set? You need to win the game for 3 stars and then for the 2 bonus stars you need to do 2 ball carrier moves and “pass a pass”. I’ve attempted the challenge twice now and both times after completing a double pass, the in-game tracker on the top right shows I completed that challenge but when I finish the game out it says I didn’t do it. Please help.
Seth Mclaughlin SOTS challenge hug?
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- BigFactsShaxx27 days agoNew Spectator
Not working for me either same problem like always these challenges never work right
- ThatDaviGravi27 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
yea mine doesn't work either its so annoying wasted 20 minutes
- LennoxRlRlRl27 days agoNew Spectator
yeah its not working for me either, ive tried it twice.
- 5chikennugget12327 days agoNew Spectator
Don't complete a pass, I didn't even attempt one just run chew clock and do the 2 ball carry moves. I got 5 stars
- Kalliotheninja27 days agoNew Spectator
Same here I just talked to customer support about it hopefully they get it fixed soon.
- Kalliotheninja27 days agoNew Spectator
Gonna try that really quick
- Callmelaw240827 days agoNew Spectator
Nothing works tried everything smh 🤦🏽♂️
- Daws_Piers22_2527 days agoNew Spectator
This worked, appreciate it!
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