Does not save progress in the game, an error constantly appears stating that auto-save is not working P.S.although the level in the game rises, but the progress itself is not saved
F1 24
24 days agoHero
I would try disabling OneDrive. When its active the game seems to have issues figuring out where it's supposed to read/ write data from.
EA_GroguetThere's been a lot of issues with saving like this over the past week or so, may need to be looked into further.
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
Thanks, if this solves the problem I will be happy
- Robinson-kelevra18 days agoNew Spectator
so not sure if you have solved this problem yet or not i was havingsame issue. I tried the turn off one drive as well didn't work but, I deleted that F124 folder in documents then started game again and work fine. I did still have one drive off not sure if that matters or not.
- renimation14 days agoNew Spectator
Thank you, after trying ten different things this finally worked for me. I was even able to turn OneDrive back on after and the game is still saving like normal.
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
It didn't help, what other options are there?
- TheRagebeard24 days agoHero
Well let's see if the game even made a local folder for it. Go to Documents > MyGames > F124 and see if there is a folder called SAVEGAME.
Also post a DXDiag for review. How to gather information on your PC using DxDiag
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
- anderson19801813 days agoNew Novice
One drive must shut down.Cut and paste the save games in Programfiles
- scox7213 days agoNew Spectator
Doesn’t work
- EA_Groguet23 days ago
Community Manager
Hey there,
Thanks TheRagebeard for tagging me! I have escalated this to the game team, although we have had other instances like this in the past that were previously escalated.
Also, 10082006Vlad has this happened to you since the first time you launched the game, or have you had the ability to save the game in the past and has it started happening recently?
Also, can you send me via Private Message (for privacy) the full location of your Documents folder?
- 10082006Vlad23 days agoNew Spectator
Good afternoon, I just installed the game and played for 2 hours, the next day I went in and saw that nothing was saved (the save error was thrown at the first login, but I wanted to play too much and ignored the errors). I used to play on a friend's account F1 22, then after a while the game just stopped running on mine. I will now upload everything you need to your personal
- ALERTFAILLURE1222 days agoNew Spectator
I’ve also been having this problem. I tried disabling one drive but still didn’t work. Don’t know what to do now
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