Does not save progress in the game, an error constantly appears stating that auto-save is not working P.S.although the level in the game rises, but the progress itself is not saved
F1 24
24 days agoNew Spectator
It didn't help, what other options are there?
24 days agoHero
Well let's see if the game even made a local folder for it. Go to Documents > MyGames > F124 and see if there is a folder called SAVEGAME.
Also post a DXDiag for review. How to gather information on your PC using DxDiag
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
- TheRagebeard24 days agoHero
Sorry, I was looking for the .TXT file from the DxDiag as it contains more information.
As to whether I can help or not, I'm not sure. Usually turning off OneDrive resolves the issue, I'm certainly willing to look at it, but they dev team may need to look at it further.
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
Maybe the next update will solve this problem, or will the game no longer be updated?
- 10082006Vlad24 days agoNew Spectator
I sent you the data, can you help me?
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