Does not save progress in the game, an error constantly appears stating that auto-save is not working
P.S.although the level in the game rises, but the progress itself is not saved
F1 24
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- Reyansh98317 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
doesnt work
- geoffreyfriend17 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I'm conviced the problem is on EA's side. I have the same problem with EA PGA golf and F1 24. I can't believe EA does not sort it out. One pays so much for a game you can't enjoy.
- scox7217 days agoNew Spectator
Yeah, no change for me, tried the location you specified, also tried putting it in the same location as installed (for me D:\F1 24) but no good.
- EJMzz0416 days agoNew Novice
I also tried selecting “no crossplay” when first loading up purely as a ‘why not’ test. Then loaded in. Closed the game and then reopened it. I did this in combination with the change of file location that I mentioned previously. Maybe give this trying no crossplay a go? Cannot see why this would fix it but it’s part of what I did
- scox7216 days agoNew Spectator
Just had an update but alas, still no good, started to wish I'd not bothered, a company like EA that cannot even manage a basic thing like Auto Save, worries me!! Hoping EA_Groguet can provide a timely update.
- SteveJackson15 days agoHero (Retired)
The game doesn't really like being installed to anywhere other than the Documents folder.
Check that even with a different install destination to default that you still get C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\F1 24
and the problem is compounded by the EA App (AIUI) that installs to (above path) at least as far as My Documents....
Problem compounded by Windows constantly recommending 'Microsoft Recommended Settings' to migrate contents of profile to
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\One Drive\Documents
which the game then either can't locate the filepath as it's possibly hard-coded (like the above) OR the files are REMOVED and left as placeholders (weblinks) for on-demand access from cloud.
Positively EGREGIOUS actions by Microsoft and schoolboy errors by CM/EA to leave the copy/paste game like this for so long?
Never had the issue as I learned many moons ago not to trust funky Microsoft and their 1D cancer.
Steam does save the save game to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Userdata\%STEAMGAMEID% (really Steam, still 32-bit?) 😮
- EA_Groguet15 days ago
Community Manager
scox72 I understand the situation is not ideal and it is frustrating. I assure you the team is investigating the issue and working hard to try to solve this for everyone.
As soon as I have something else, I'll let you know.
- renimation14 days agoNew Spectator
Thank you, after trying ten different things this finally worked for me. I was even able to turn OneDrive back on after and the game is still saving like normal.
- SteveJackson14 days agoHero (Retired)
Be interesting if the files that were deleted were placeholder or read-only or somehow related to sync.
But at least one poster here has not posted any information about PC platform or install location.
- SteveJackson14 days agoHero (Retired)
And the forum is not showing all posts.
It’s pants, fix it.
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