Does not save progress in the game, an error constantly appears stating that auto-save is not working
P.S.although the level in the game rises, but the progress itself is not saved
F1 24
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- anderson19801814 days agoNew Novice
One drive must shut down.Cut and paste the save games in Programfiles
- scox7213 days agoNew Spectator
Doesn’t work
- SteveJackson13 days agoHero (Retired)
Makes no sense and a user has reported running 1D and it works.
1D will stop copying files if the 5GB limit is reached and you do not subscribe.Some players may have more storage or have opted out ‘Documents’ in the 1D settings.
So the career saves are the only thing in Program Files (x86) (Steam only) - user may or may not have Steam Cloud enabled (though it is default).
Controlled Folder Access in Windows Security may also be an issue.
- SteveJackson13 days agoHero (Retired)
Podium Pass progress / Pitcoin and challenge / licence / online rank is stored on EA servers, not in game.
You could not make this Frankengame stuff up.
- Becchtold77713 days agoRising Newcomer
game gives same problem
- scox7212 days agoNew Spectator
I've finally managed to get mine working, I un-installed from D:\F1 24, rebooted and re-installed to the default C:\Program Files\EA Games\F1 24 and it worked first time. If using VR, ensure you start Steam VR before launching the game otherwise the controllers don't work.
- jeffwooten10 days agoNew Spectator
EDIT - See three posts down below. Deleting the profile and profile.old folders does not permanently fix the problem.
- SteveJackson9 days agoHero (Retired)
For the sake of sharing what actually worked for others, where were those folders and I assume you are using EA platform and not Steam as Steam doesn't create those folder names AIUI.
Anyone reading this thread will not know what to do to achieve the same. At least not without a fair bit of search or trial and error.
- reanimation159 days agoNew Spectator
For me on EA platform those folders were in Documents\My Games\F1 24\savegame\ea
Disabling OneDrive and deleting those worked for me. After I reenabled OneDrive and it still works.
- jeffwooten9 days agoNew Spectator
The supposed fix I mentioned above did not work. I deleted the 'profile' and 'profile.old' folders from Documents/My Games/savegame/ea. I restarted the game and it saved for the first time. Unfortunately, as I progressed in the game to the next autosave, it recreated the two profile folders (above) and no longer saved, This is beyond disgusting that a fix isn't ready yet!
Supposedly, if you download the game through Steam, there is no problem. Unfortunately, I access the game through XBox Ultimate Pass and I can't use the Steam download option.
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