
iiKEZA's avatar
New Spectator
13 hours ago

Broken/capped stats on Evo'd Live cards when recieveing upgrades?

I applied the "Attacking Apprentice" evolution to the Weghorst FC pro live card when it was its base card. Since then when recieving its following "Live" upgrades stats remained "capped" at the caps set within the apprentice evo... for example within that evo it gave 10 agility with an 88max cap, he had 83 (when relesed) so that evo took it to 88 at the time. Since then he's had +3 overall reciveing +3 agility so my card should have 91? ...currently its still 88. This is just one stat as an example but its the overall rating thats wrong.. it started as 86, evo'd to 88.. then with a +3 from the live upgrades im sat on an 89 rated card. Sure some of the stats are superior to the "regular" non evo'd live card but the upgrades i recieved from using the Attacking Apprentice EVO are deminished massively. Is this how they're meant to work? ...because its 100% not how i believed they did, maybe i am wrong. 

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