So whenever I play franchise mode it shows my player card instead of the team logo like if I customize my player card to show a football with the ravens on it that what it will show in my offline franchise. And it really messes with the realism of the display interface. And this all started with the season 6 update at least for me it did
Franchise Team logo bug
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- pmcg19010 days agoSeasoned Novice
I and several others have posted about this as well and have yet to receive any sort of response from the devs. It's a really annoying issue, completely ruins the experience
- newknnyxu4zc10 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same here it’s really annoying! I won’t play play the game until they fix this. They seem to not care about us anyway
- GratefulDEAd958810 days agoSeasoned Rookie
Agree. I play offline franchise and the home team’s logo is replaced by the nfl shield. Come on EA…fix this!
- hsmitty000310 days agoNew Spectator
Yep, I have the same bug. It is so annoying. It seems to only effect the home team (whether it is me or the AI) on my franchise. It does both online and offline. I booted up an exhibition game and it does not do it there but it seems to always do it on the franchise I had before the most recent update. I know for some this would not be that bad, but I honestly find this more annoying than a gameplay bug. I don't want to play my franchise with this bug.
- DarkFang200310 days agoRising Traveler
The worst part is, it’s impossible to even get in contact with a real customer service agent to address this bug, but that’s pretty much any bug for that matter. Just goes to show you how much they actually care about their player base
- DarkFang200310 days agoRising Traveler
Best workaround at the moment, which idk if it’s works 100% but someone mentioned that u have to just disconnect from the internet to play and log out of the ea account and then just play offline franchise. Sucks that you can’t start an offline franchise at the current nfl week (so like the superbowl week)
- newknnyxu4zc10 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Ive been trying since the update came out to try to actually contact a real EA representative but that seems to be impossible. EA is actually so awful is getting to point that it’s sickening, they clearly see that we are all having this issue but won’t address it. They only care about the new gay MUT **bleep**.
- big4alRfEj8 days agoNew Spectator
I agree with everyone else here. I bought this game about a month ago and was happy with it. So far I was playing offline Franchise mode. I've been playing around with which Franchise settings to use, but I have been liking to do some combination of the off-field management, and slow sim my games. I sometimes like to slow sim other games, by "retiring" my head coach (which doesn't really retire them but lets you switch to another teams' head coach, which is necessary to slow sim the game). Since I like to see how my off field moves play out in slow sim, it really ruins my experience to have this tacky, Team Pass icon being forced on me. After spending at least an hour hunting through all the settings, wondering why I cannot figure out how to get this back to the games' default, I was disheartened to see the truth that this is currently unfixable, until if and when we get another update to address this. After trying to ignore this and continuing for a few games of my franchise, I realized this bothers me more than I thought, and I am no longer playing Madden until this actually gets fixed. There are plenty of other games that aren't forcing me to use some popular feature, which ruins the game if you don't want to play it that way. What I normally love about Madden is the different types of gameplay and options you have to decide what type of control you have. Electronic Arts has taken a major step backward here. For me it is not enough just to get a fix for this soon, but I want the person responsible for this major blunder to be fired immediately. I would like to believe this is an "honest" mistake. But I bet this is some A-hole Electronics Arts' Executive's brilliant plan to "show" their bosses how much everyone "loves" their new tacky icons. Whether this is planned or a mistake, either way it is an unforgivable one. Whatever excuses you come up with are not good enough. I may not know about all that goes into these updates, but that shouldn't matter either. Anyone could have tested these things out to make sure they work right before you rush to roll things out. I'm sure you have a bunch of seemingly reasonable excuses, but I don't care. Get your ---- together EA. The problem is you are too big, that you don't need to care that much about your customers. Madden NFL needs a legitimate contender to video game football, so that they would have to actually think and try to be careful about what they are doing. Who cares if all of us are stupid enough to keep buying it every year without holding them responsible for what they put out. All I see on reviews anywhere about Madden games, is that year after year, the reviewers mostly talk about how Madden is just a cash grab, that they don't really care about making improvements that customers want. I'm beginning to see this is true, and now have buyer's remorse about the $35 I spent on the game.
- pmcg1908 days agoSeasoned Novice
Yeah, I also deeply regret spending any money on the game and haven't played since this glitch occurred. It's truly insane that this is the only place we're directed to in order to report bugs and yet absolutely nothing in this forum gets answered. I feel like I was scammed. The total lack of care displayed by the team has completely killed my enthusiasm for any upcoming football games.
- tyler17887 days agoRising Spectator
Yeah this is so annoying it also fails to upload snapshots when this happens. This game is so bad it’s exhausting i don’t know why I even invest my time into this garbage.
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