- tgjg1912 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Finally someone else has this same issue I was starting to think just me. I litterally can’t find a fix. It has some thing to do with the online player card because instead of the NFL logo it shows my CeeDee lamb themed back ground. It ruins the experience.
- DarkFang200312 days agoRising Traveler
I actually can’t believe this is a thing. They need to fix this asap. It doesn’t even make logic sense. You literally can’t even get the regular team logos back. The fact this hasn’t be addressed or fixed yet really lets us know what they think of franchise players.
- DarkFang200312 days agoRising Traveler
For some reason there isn’t even an option to change the profile pic as a team logo, but it shouldn’t even be applicable to franchise. This needs to be fixed, they are alienating a good chunk of their player base. I have a terrible feeling this won’t even be fixed, when it should have been fixed within hours of the update. I’ve actually seen other reports of this “bug” from a month ago. So it seems to me they don’t really care or hey maybe it’s an intended feature, which again is just throwing your franchise players under the bus once again. A respectable company doesn’t even let this become a problem because they actually test their games and updates. It’s demoralizing when a company consistently introduces bugs into their game and don’t care to fix them because it doesn’t make them more money
- itsGameWeenie12 days agoNew Traveler
im both crushed and not surprised at the same time. I fear this will not get fixed and our new Team Builder league is screwed right as we started the first week of our season. Thanks so much, EA! 🤡
- ethanStelty122112 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
So the only fix I can find to this is to turn off the internet on your Xbox/ps5 so you’ll have to do a offline franchise seems to be something with being connected to the ea servers
- isaiahprince0511 days agoNew Spectator
Ok whew I thought I was the only one.
- DarkFang200311 days agoRising Traveler
So is it just radio silence by the madden devs now?
- B3AR7121711 days agoNew Spectator
Still hearing about this being not fixed is crazy. Fix this please
Edit: Literally just looked n devs answered someone else’s report that was 12 hrs ago but two reports of this n hasn’t responded to either
- DarkFang200311 days agoRising Traveler
Cause if it doesn’t make them money to fix it, they don’t care. Wouldn’t be surprised if they made u pay for the default logos again. Like honestly, they must have people checking for bugs or at least testing the game. Test the different modes for ***** sakes, and do it BEFORE you put out the update. It’s not that hard
- c8321d961323a02811 days agoRising Novice
This isn't just a Franchise Mode thing. It's also on Superstar mode. I feel like it started after I opned up the game and it asked me about purchasing a "Premium Logo" or something like that.